Long-Term Supported Versions

    Guide to Porting OpenStack Train to openEuler

    Software Overview


    OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project developed by the community. It provides an operating platform or toolset for deploying the cloud, offering scalable and flexible cloud computing for organizations.

    OpenStack consists of several major components, such as nova、neutron、glance、keystone、horizon and so on.It supports almost all cloud environment types. The project aims to provide a cloud computing management platform that is easy-to-use, scalable, unified, and standardized. OpenStack provides an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solution that combines complementary services, each of which provides an API for integration.

    Applicable Version

    This document uses the Train release for adaptation. Unveiled on October 16, 2019, Train is the 20th release of the most widely deployed open source cloud software.


    DevStack is a modular set of scripts that allow developers to quickly deploy OpenStack. The scripts can be run on a single node that is a bare metal server (BMS) or a virtual machine (VM). It can also be configured to deploy on multiple nodes.

    By default, the core services for OpenStack are installed, but users can also modify the configuration file to deploy other services. All services are installed from source, which can be obtained from devstack.github.

    Generally, DevStack will pull the core services from git master unless configured to clone from a stable branch, such as stable/pike.

    This document uses the devstack script for installation, deployment, and testing. The all-in-one mode is used to install DevStack on x86- or ARM-based servers. For the installation on these two architectures, only some commands or procedures are different. This document will elaborate the differences.

    Environment Configuration

    It is recommended that the memory of the deployment environment be greater than 2 GB.

    Software Platform

    SoftwareVersion NumberInstallation MethodRemarks
    openEuler20.03-LTS-SP1isoIn terms of architecture, openEuler can be deployed on x86-based VMs and physical machines, but only on ARM-based physical machines.
    gcc7.3.0Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python33.7.9Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    bash5.0Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    devstackLatestRefer to Modifying the devstack Script and Related Configurationsdevstack

    Required Dependency Packages

    SoftwareVersion NumberInstallation Method
    python3-systemd234Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    pcp-system-tools4.1.3Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    haproxy2.0.14Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    httpd httpd-devel2.4.43Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    memcached1.5.10Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python3-devel3.7.9Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    libffi-devel3.3.7Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    open-iscsi-devel2.1.1Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    libxml2 libxml2-devel python3-libxml22.9.10Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python3-lxml4.2.3Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    libxslt libxslt-devel1.1.34Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    edk2-ovmf(x86) edk2-aarch64(ARM) edk2-devel python3-edk2-devel202002Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    qemu qemu-guest-agent4.1.0Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    libvirt* python3-libvirt6.2.0Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    rabbitmq-server3.7.23Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python3-copr1.105Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python3-uWSGI2.0.19Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python3-mod_wsgi4.6.4Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python3-sqlalchemy python3-sqlalchemy-utils1.2.19Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    python3-scss1.3.5Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    openeuler-lsb5.0Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies
    mariadb-server10.3.9Refer to Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies

    System Configuration

    Disabling the Firewall

    1. Run the following command to stop the firewall:

      # systemctl stop firewalld.service
    2. Run the following command to disable the firewall:

      # systemctl disable firewalld.service

    Changing the Value of SELINUX to disabled

    Run the following commands to disable SELINUX:

    # sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    # setenforce 0

    Software Compilation

    Installing Required Libraries and Dependencies (Local Yum Source)

    You can run the automation script prep_install.sh to implement what is described in this section. For details, see the Appendix.

    Run the following commands to install the libraries and dependencies required for executing the script:

    # yum -y install tar git bash
    # yum -y install python3-systemd
    # yum -y install libffi-devel
    # yum -y install open-iscsi-devel
    # yum -y install libxml2-devel 
    # yum -y install python3-lxml python3-libxml2 libxslt libxslt-devel
    # yum -y install pcp-system-tools
    # yum -y install haproxy
    # yum -y install qemu qemu-guest-agent
    # yum -y install libvirt*  python3-libvirt
    # yum -y install httpd httpd-devel
    # yum -y install memcached
    # yum -y install mariadb-server
    # yum -y install rabbitmq-server
    # yum -y install python3-uWSGI
    # yum -y install python3-mod_wsgi 
    # yum -y install python3-copr
    # yum -y install python3-scss
    # yum -y install gcc-c++
    # yum -y install python3-devel
    # yum -y install python3-sqlalchemy python3-sqlalchemy-utils
    # yum -y install openeuler-lsb

    Use the Yum source to install UEFI-related libraries. The commands for the x86 and ARM architectures are as follows:

    • x86 architecture

      # yum -y install edk2-ovmf edk2-devel  python3-edk2-devel
    • ARM architecture

      # yum -y install edk2-aarch64 edk2-devel  python3-edk2-devel

    Creating an Execution User

    1. Log in to the target host as root user and run the following command to create a stack user to execute the script:

      # useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/stack -m stack
    2. Perform the following operations to set root permission for the stack user:

      # chmod +w /etc/sudoers
      # vi /etc/sudoers //Insert "stack  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" in the position shown in the figure.
      # chmod -w /etc/sudoers

    Downloading the devstack Script

    Switch to the stack user and run the following command to download the devstack script file:

    # su - stack
    # git clone https://opendev.org/OpenStack/devstack  

    Perform the following operations as the stack user.

    Modifying the Host Environment

    You can run the automation script prep_install.sh to implement what is described in this section. For details, see the Appendix.

    1. Run the sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf command to add the following configuration to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file as the administrator so that the third-party plug-in service can be loaded. The following figure shows the position where the configuration is added:

      LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi_python3.so

    2. Run the following commands to fix the bug that occurs when Yum is used to install edk2.x86_64 (or edk2.aarch64 for the ARM architecture). Pay attention to the directory and file permissions.

      • x86 architecture

        # cd /usr/share
        # sudo mkdir OVMF && sudo chmod -R 755 OVMF
        # cd OVMF
        # sudo ln -s ../edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd OVMF_CODE.fd
        # sudo ln -s ../edk2/ovmf/OVMF_VARS.fd OVMF_VARS.fd
      • ARM architecture

        # cd /usr/share
        # sudo mkdir AAVMF && chmod -R 755 AAVMF
        # cd AAVMF
        # sudo ln -s ../edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw AAVMF_CODE.fd
        # sudo ln -s ../edk2/aarch64/vars-tmplate-pflash.raw AAVMF_VARS.fd
    3. Add the following configuration to the /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf file to enable QEMU to support UEFI:

      • x86 architecture

        nvram = ["/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd:/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd","/usr/share/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd:/usr/share/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_VARS.fd"]
      • ARM architecture

        nvram = ["/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_CODE.fd:/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_VARS.fd","/usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw:/usr/share/edk2/aarch64/vars-template-pflash.raw"]
    1. Run the following commands to create the local.conf file:

      # cd /home/stack/devstack
      # touch local.conf 
    2. Edit the local.conf file and configure the following information:

      • x86 architecture

        disable_service tempest      
      • ARM architecture

        disable_service tempest      

    You can run the automation script prep_install.sh to implement what is described in this section. For details, see the Appendix.

    1. Edit the /home/stack/devstack/stackrc file and change the value of the field shown in the following figure to stable/train to specify the OpenStack release to be installed.

    2. The devstack currently does not maintain the openEuler platform. run the following command to adapt to the OpenEuler version installation.

      # cd /home/stack/devstack
      # sed -i "/\# Git Functions/i\\function is_openeuler {\n\tif [[ -z \"\$os_VENDOR\" ]]; then\n\tGetOSVersion\n\tfi\n\n\t[[ \"\$os_VENDOR\" =~ (openEuler) ]]\n}\n" functions-common
      # sed -i "s/elif is_fedora/elif is_fedora || is_openeuler/g" functions-common
      # sed -i "/DISTRO=\"f\$os_RELEASE\"/a\ \ \ \ elif [[ \"\$os_VENDOR\" =~ (openEuler) ]]; then\n\tDISTRO=\"openEuler-\$os_RELEASE\"" functions-common
      # grep -nir "is_fedora" | grep -v functions-common | cut -d ":" -f1 | sort | uniq | for line in `xargs`;do sed -i "s/is_fedora/is_fedora || is_openeuler/g" $line;done
    3. The default python-libvirt version in the script file does not adapt to openEuler. Therefore, you need to edit the /home/stack/devstack/lib/nova_plugins/functions-libvirt file and comment out the code related to python-libvirt installation. python-libvirt has been manually installed in the Yum source of openEuler-20.03-LTS-SP1.

    4. Edit the /home/stack/devstack/inc/python file and change the value of the cmd_pip parameter to the Chinese source, as shown in the following figure:

    5. Modify the /home/stack/devstack/inc/python file to install the Glance component by default.

    6. Modify the /home/stack/devstack/lib/neutron_plugins/services/l3 file and add the following configuration to the position shown in the following figure:

      # source openrc admin admin

    7. Modify the /home/stack/devstack/stackrc file and change the value of VIRTUALENV_CMD.

      After the modification is completed, save the modification and exit. Then, run the following command:

      # pip3 install virtualenv

    Running the devstack Script to Install OpenStack

    Run the following commands as the stack user to execute the stack.sh script to install OpenStack on a single-node system:

    # cd  /home/stack/devstack
    # FORCE=yes ./stack.sh 

    The installation takes more than 10 minutes. The information displayed after the successful installation is the same for both x86 and ARM architectures. The following uses the ARM architecture as an example. If the installation is successful, the page shown in the following figure is displayed:

    Software Running

    If the devstack.sh script is executed successfully, the specified sub-modules are installed on the current host according to the configuration information in the local.conf file. If no sub-module is specified in the local.conf file, all sub-modules are installed.

    Run the following command as the stack user to log in to the OpenStack client as the administrator:

    # source openrc admin admin
    • Obtain the resource lists

      • Run the following command to obtain the image resource list:
        # openstack image list
      • Run the following command to obtain the network resource list:
        # openstack network list
      • Run the following command to obtain the VM configuration type list:
        # openstack flavor list
    • Start an instance

      • Run the following command to create a VM using the queried resources:

        • x86 architecture

          # openstack server create -image cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk -flavor 1 vm

        • ARM architecture

          # openstack server create --image cirros-0.5.1-aarch64-disk.img --flavor 1 vm
      • Run the following command to check the VM status:

        # openstack server list   // View VM status.

    Software Uninstallation

    1. Run the following commands to uninstall and clear the files generated by devstack and the environment configuration:

      # cd /home/stack/devstack  
      # ./unstack.sh  
      # ./clean.sh
    2. Delete the devstack.

      # cd /home/stack 
      # rm -rf devstack
      # rm -rf /opt/stack


    The OpenStack Project List Occasionally Fails Due to Network Problems


    An error is reported when the script runs the openstack project list command.

    Cause Analysis

    This is a network problem. After running the source openrc admin admin command, wait for a period of time and run the openstack project list command to make the execution take effect.


    Modify the /home/stack/devstack/lib/neutron\_plugins/services/l3 file as shown in the following figure:

    The devstack@q-meta.service Occasionally Fails to Be Started


    The sudo systemctl start devstack@q-meta.service command fails to be executed.

    Cause Analysis

    After running the systemctl enable devstack@q-meta.service command, you need to wait for a period of time.


    After the service is enabled, wait for 30 seconds and then start the service.

    Modify the /home/stack/devstack/functions-common file as shown in the following figure:

    The MariaDB Service Fails to Be Started


    The MariaDB service fails to be started.

    Cause Analysis

    The mysql_install_db database fails to be created, and a message is displayed indicating that the gssapi plug-in reports an error.


    The gssapi plug-in is not used. Run the following command to uninstall the mariadb-gssapi-server package:

    # ./unstack.sh ./clean.sh && FORCE=yes ./stack.sh

    The Neutron Service Fails to Be Started


    The Neutron service occasionally fails to be started.

    Cause Analysis

    The network is unstable. As a result, the network node fails to be set up.


    Run the following command to execute the script again:

    # ./unstack.sh && FORCE=yes ./stack.sh

    The pip Boot Fails


    The pip boot fails, and the console displays the error message ERROR: Links are not allowed as constraints.

    Cause Analysis

    The latest pip 20.3 release has been available, but it does not adapt to openEuler.


    Refer to the community solution. Use the patch to modify the devstack source code. Run the following commands in the /home/stack/devstack directory:

    # wget https://github.com/openstack/devstack/commit/7a3a7ce87.patch 
    # sudo yum install patch -y  
    # patch -p1 < 7a3a7ce87.patch


    Click prep_install.sh to obtain the automation script prep_install.sh.

    Save the script to the /home/stack directory and run the bash -x prep_install.sh command to install required libraries and dependencies, modify the host environment, and modify the devstack script and related configurations.

    Bug Catching

    Buggy Content

    Bug Description

    Submit As Issue

    It's a little complicated....

    I'd like to ask someone.


    Just a small problem.

    I can fix it online!

    Bug Type
    Specifications and Common Mistakes

    ● Misspellings or punctuation mistakes;

    ● Incorrect links, empty cells, or wrong formats;

    ● Chinese characters in English context;

    ● Minor inconsistencies between the UI and descriptions;

    ● Low writing fluency that does not affect understanding;

    ● Incorrect version numbers, including software package names and version numbers on the UI.


    ● Incorrect or missing key steps;

    ● Missing prerequisites or precautions;

    ● Ambiguous figures, tables, or texts;

    ● Unclear logic, such as missing classifications, items, and steps.


    ● Technical principles, function descriptions, or specifications inconsistent with those of the software;

    ● Incorrect schematic or architecture diagrams;

    ● Incorrect commands or command parameters;

    ● Incorrect code;

    ● Commands inconsistent with the functions;

    ● Wrong screenshots.

    Risk Warnings

    ● Lack of risk warnings for operations that may damage the system or important data.

    Content Compliance

    ● Contents that may violate applicable laws and regulations or geo-cultural context-sensitive words and expressions;

    ● Copyright infringement.

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