Long-Term Supported Versions

    etmem for Tiered Memory Expansion


    The development of CPU computing power - particularly lower costs of ARM cores - makes memory cost and capacity become the core frustration that restricts business costs and performance. Therefore, the most pressing issue is how to save memory cost and how to expand memory capacity.

    etmem is a tiered memory expansion technology that uses DRAM+memory compression/high-performance storage media to form tiered memory storage. Memory data is tiered, and cold data is migrated from memory media to high-performance storage media to release memory space and reduce memory costs. (Currently, non-volatile memory media are not supported.)

    Software Architecture

    The etmem client interacts with the server through the socket communication mechanism and delivers commands for adding, deleting, starting, stopping, and querying a project. The server reads the project management configuration information and engine configuration information from the configuration file delivered by the client, and performs the operations delivered by the client. After a project is started, the server scans service processes and evicts pages by tier based on the scanning statistics and eviction policy to save memory.

    Compilation Tutorial

    1. Download the etmem source code.

      git clone https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/etmem.git
    2. Install the compilation and running dependency. The compilation and running of etmem depend on the libboundscheck component.

      Install the dependency:

      yum -y install libboundscheck

      Use the rpm command to check if the package is installed:

      rpm -qa |grep libboundscheck
    3. Build source code.

      cd etmem
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..


    Starting etmemd

    How to Use

    Run the etmemd process in binary mode. For example:

    etmemd -l 0 -s etmemd_socket

    Printing Help Information

    -l|--log-level <log-level>  Log level
    -s|--socket <socket name>  Socket name to listen to
    -h|--help  Show this message

    Command-Line Options

    OptionDescriptionMandatory (Yes/No)With Parameters (Yes/No)Value RangeExample Description
    -l or --log-leveletmemd log levelNoYes0 to 30: debug level. 1: info level. 2: warning level. 3: error level. Only logs of the level that is higher than or equal to the configured level are recorded in the /var/log/message file.
    -s or --socketName of the etmemd listener, which is used to interact with the clientYesYesA string of fewer than 107 charactersName of the server listener.
    -h or --helpHelp informationNoNoN/AIf this option is specified, the command execution exits after the command output is printed.

    etmem Configuration File

    Before running the etmem process, the administrator needs to plan the processes that require memory expansion, configure the process information in the etmem configuration file, and configure the memory scan loops and times, and cold and hot memory thresholds.

    The example configuration file is stored in conf/example_conf.yaml of the root directory of the source code in the source package. You are advised to store the example configuration file in the /etc/etmem/ directory. The following is an example:

       loop : 3
        interval : 1
        sleep: 2
          type : pid/name
             value : 123456/mysql
           max_threads: 3
           engine : slide
                T: 3

    Fields in the configuration file are described as follows.

    Configuration ItemDescriptionMandatory (Yes/No)With Parameters (Yes/No)Value RangeExample Description
    optionsStart flag of the project common configuration sectionYesNoN/AEach configuration file has only one options·field, and the file starts with this field.
    loopNumber of memory scan loopsYesYes1 to 120loop:3 // Scan for three times.
    intervalInterval for memory scansYesYes1 to 1200interval:5 // The scan interval is 5s.
    sleepInterval between large loops of memory scans and operationsYesYes1 to 1200sleep:10 // The interval between large loops is 10s.
    policiesStart flag of the configuration section of each task in the projectYesNoN/AMultiple tasks can be configured in a project. Each task starts with policies:.
    typeMethod of identifying the target processYesYespid or namepid indicates that the process is identified by the process ID, and name indicates that the process is identified by the process name.
    valueSpecific fields identified by the target processYesYesActual process ID/nameThis configuration item is used together with the type configuration item to specify the ID or name of the target process. Ensure that the configuration is correct and unique.
    max_threadsMaximum number of threads in the etmemd internal thread pool. Each thread processes the memory scan and operation tasks of a process or child process.NoYes1 to 2 x Number of cores + 1. The default value is 1.This configuration item controls the number of internal processing threads of etmemd. When the target process has multiple child processes, a larger value of this configuration item indicates a larger number of concurrent executions but more occupied resources.
    engineEngine typeYesYesslideThe slide engine is used to identify cold and hot memory.
    paramStart flag of the private parameter configuration section of an engineYesNoN/AStart flag of the private parameter configuration section of an engine. Each task corresponds to an engine, and each engine corresponds to a param and its fields.
    TWatermark of the slide engineYesNo1 to 3 x loopWatermark. If the value is greater than or equal to the watermark, the memory is identified as hot memory. Otherwise, the memory is identified as cold memory.

    Adding, Deleting, and Querying an etmem Project

    Scenario Description

    1. The administrator adds an etmem project (a project can contain multiple etmem tasks).

    2. The administrator queries an existing etmem project.

    3. The administrator deletes an existing etmem project. (Before a project is deleted, all tasks in the project automatically stop.)

    How to Use

    Add, delete, or query a project using the etmem binary file. Ensure that the server is running properly and the content of the configuration file (for example, /etc/etmem/example_conf.yaml) is correct.

    Add a project.

    etmem project add -n test -f /etc/etmem/example_conf.yaml -s etmemd_socket

    Delete a project.

    etmem project del -n test -s etmemd_socket

    Query a project.

    etmem project show -s etmemd_socket

    Print help information.

    etmem project help

    Printing Help Information

     etmem project add [options]
     etmem project del [options]
     etmem project show
     etmem project help
     -f|--file <conf_file> Add configuration file
     -n|--name <proj_name> Add project name
     -s|--sock <sock_name> Socket name to connect
     1. Project name and socket name must be given when execute add or del option.
     2. Configuration file must be given when execute add option.
     3. Socket name must be given when execute show option.

    Command-Line Options

    Command add

    OptionDescriptionMandatory (Yes/No)With Parameters (Yes/No)Example Description
    -n or --nameProject nameYesYesProject name, which corresponds to the configuration file.
    -f or --fileConfiguration file of a projectYesYesFile path.
    -s or --socketName of the socket for communicating with the etmemd server. The value must be the same as that specified when the etmemd server is started.YesYesThis option is mandatory. When there are multiple etmemd servers, the administrator selects an etmemd server to communicate with.

    Command del:

    OptionDescriptionMandatory (Yes/No)With Parameters (Yes/No)Example Description
    -n or --nameProject nameYesYesProject name, which corresponds to the configuration file.
    -s or --socketName of the socket for communicating with the etmemd server. The value must be the same as that specified when the etmemd server is started.YesYesThis option is mandatory. When there are multiple etmemd servers, the administrator selects an etmemd server to communicate with.

    Command show:

    OptionDescriptionMandatory (Yes/No)With Parameters (Yes/No)Example Description
    -s or --socketName of the socket for communicating with the etmemd server. The value must be the same as that specified when the etmemd server is started.YesYesThis option is mandatory. When there are multiple etmemd servers, the administrator selects an etmemd server to communicate with.

    Starting and Stopping an etmem Project

    Scenario Description

    After adding a project by running the etmem project add command, the administrator can start or stop the etmem project before running the etmem project del command to delete the project.

    1. The administrator starts an added project.

    2. The administrator stops a project that has been started.

    When the administrator runs the project del command to delete a project, the project automatically stops if it has been started.

    How to Use

    Start or stop a project using the etmem binary file. Ensure that the server is running properly, the content of the configuration file (for example, /etc/etmem/example_conf.yaml) is correct, and the etmem project has been added.

    Start a project.

    etmem migrate start -n test -s etmemd_socket

    Stop a project.

    etmem migrate stop -n test -s etmemd_socket

    Print help information.

    etmem migrate help

    Printing Help Information

     etmem migrate start [options]
     etmem migrate stop [options]
     etmem migrate help
     -n|--name <proj_name> Add project name
     -s|--sock <sock_name> Socket name to connect
     Project name and socket name must be given when execute start or stop option.

    Command-Line Options

    OptionDescriptionMandatory (Yes/No)With Parameters (Yes/No)Example Description
    -n or --nameProject nameYesYesProject name, which corresponds to the configuration file.
    -s or --socketName of the socket for communicating with the etmemd server. The value must be the same as that specified when the etmemd server is started.YesYesThis option is mandatory. When there are multiple etmemd servers, the administrator selects an etmemd server to communicate with.

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    ● Incorrect links, empty cells, or wrong formats;

    ● Chinese characters in English context;

    ● Minor inconsistencies between the UI and descriptions;

    ● Low writing fluency that does not affect understanding;

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    ● Unclear logic, such as missing classifications, items, and steps.


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