Long-Term Supported Versions

    Installation and Deployment

    Deploying NestOS on VMware

    This guide describes how to configure latest NestOS in VMware.

    Currently, NestOS supports only the x86_64 architecture.

    Before You Start

    Before deploying NestOS, make the following preparations:

    • Downloading the NestOS ISO
    • Preparing the config.bu File
    • Configuring the Butane Tool (on Linux or Windows 10)
    • A host machine with VMware installed

    Initial Installation and Startup

    Starting NestOS

    When NestOS is started for the first time, Ignition is not installed. You can use the nestos-installer component to install Ignition as prompted.

    Producing an Ignition File

    Obtaining Butane

    You can use Butane to convert a .bu file into an Ignition file. Ignition configurations were designed to be human readable, but difficult to write, to discourage users from attempting to write configs by hand. Butane supports multiple environments. You can use Butane in a Linux or Windows host machines or in container environments.

    docker pull quay.io/coreos/butane:release

    Generating a Login Password

    Run the following command on the host machine and enter the password:

    # openssl passwd -1 -salt yoursalt

    Generating an SSH Key Pair

    Run the following command on the host machine to obtain the public key and private key for SSH login:

    # ssh-keygen -N '' -f ./id_rsa
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Your identification has been saved in ./id_rsa
    Your public key has been saved in ./id_rsa.pub
    The key fingerprint is:
    SHA256:4fFpDDyGHOYEd2fPaprKvvqst3T1xBQuk3mbdon+0Xs root@host-12-0-0-141
    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 3072]----+
    |   ..= . o .   |
    |    * = o * .  |
    |     + B = *   |
    |     o B O + . |
    |      S O B o  |
    |       * = . . |
    |      . +o . . |
    |     +.o . .E  |
    |    o*Oo   ... |

    You can view the id_rsa.pub public key in the current directory.

    # cat id_rsa.pub

    Compiling a .bu File

    Perform a simple initial configuration. For more details, see the description of Ignition. A simple config.bu file is as follows:

    variant: fcos
    version: 1.1.0
        - name: nest
          password_hash: "$1$yoursalt$1QskegeyhtMG2tdh0ldQN0"
            - "ssh-rsa

    Generating an Ignition File

    Use the Butane tool to convert the config.bu file to a config.ign file in the container environment.

    # docker run --interactive --rm quay.io/coreos/butane:release \
    --pretty --strict < your_config.bu > transpiled_config.ign

    Installing NestOS

    Use SCP to copy the config.ign file generated by the host machine to NestOS that is initially started, which is not installed to the disk and runs in the memory.

    sudo -i
    scp root@your_ipAddress:/root/config.ign /root            

    Run the following command and complete the installation as prompted:

    nestos-installer install /dev/sda --ignition-file config.ign

    After the installation is complete, restart NestOS.

    systemctl reboot

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    ● Incorrect links, empty cells, or wrong formats;

    ● Chinese characters in English context;

    ● Minor inconsistencies between the UI and descriptions;

    ● Low writing fluency that does not affect understanding;

    ● Incorrect version numbers, including software package names and version numbers on the UI.


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