Installing secGear
openEuler 21.03, openEuler 20.03 LTS SP2, or later
CPU Architecture
The Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) function is required.
Item Version Server TaiShan 200 server (model 2280, dual sockets) Mainboard Kunpeng board BMC 1711 board (model BC82SMMAB) CPU Kunpeng 920 processor (model 7260, 5250, or 5220) Chassis No special requirements; an 8- or 12-drive chassis recommended The TrustZone feature, including the iTrustee secure OS, BMC firmware, and BIOS firmware, has been installed on the server.
Environment Requirements
The patch in the rich execution environment (REE) is required by a client application (CA) to communicate with a trusted application (TA) in the trusted execution environment (TEE). Before installing secGear, set up the environment as follows:
Installation Guide
To use the secGear confidential computing programming framework, you need to install the secGear and secGear-devel development packages. Before the installation, ensure that the openEuler Yum source has been configured.
Install the secGear component with root permissions:
yum install secGear yum install secGear-devel
Run the following commands to check whether the installation is successful. If the command output contains the corresponding software package, the installation is successful.
rpm -q secGear rpm -q secGear-devel