Long-Term Supported Versions

    Using gala-gopher

    As a data collection module, gala-gopher provides OS-level monitoring capabilities, supports dynamic probe installation and uninstallation, and integrates third-party probes in a non-intrusive manner to quickly expand the monitoring scope.

    This chapter describes how to deploy and use the gala-gopher service.


    Mount the repo sources.

    [oe-22.03-lts-sp1-everything] # openEuler 22.03-LTS-SP1 officially released repository
    [oe-22.03-lts-sp1-epol-update] # openEuler 22.03-LTS-SP1 Update officially released repository
    [oe-22.03-lts-sp1-epol-main] # openEuler 22.03-LTS-SP1 EPOL officially released repository

    Install gala-gopher.

    # yum install gala-gopher


    Configuration Description

    The configuration file of gala-gopher is /opt/gala-gopher/gala-gopher.conf. The configuration items in the file are described as follows (the parts that do not need to be manually configured are not described):

    The following configurations can be modified as required:

    • global: gala-gopher global configuration information.
      • log_file_name: gala-gopher log file name.
      • log_level: gala-gopher log level, this function isn't available currently.
      • pin_path: path for storing the map shared by the eBPF probe. You are advised to retain the default value.
    • metric: metric output mode.
      • out_channel: metric output channel. The value can be web_server or kafka. If this parameter is left empty, the output channel is disabled.
      • kafka_topic: topic configuration information if the output channel is Kafka.
    • event: output mode of abnormal events.
      • out_channel: event output channel. The value can be logs or kafka. If this parameter is left empty, the output channel is disabled.
      • kafka_topic: topic configuration information if the output channel is Kafka.
    • meta: metadata output mode.
      • out_channel: metadata output channel. The value can be logs or kafka. If this parameter is left empty, the output channel is disabled.
      • kafka_topic: topic configuration information if the output channel is Kafka.
    • imdb: cache specification configuration.
      • max_tables_num: maximum number of cache tables. In the /opt/gala-gopher/meta directory, each meta corresponds to a table.
      • max_records_num: maximum number of records in each cache table. Generally, each probe generates at least one observation record in an observation period.
      • max_metrics_num: maximum number of metrics contained in each observation record.
      • record_timeout: aging time of the cache table. If a record in the cache table is not updated within the aging time, the record is deleted. The unit is second.
    • web_server: configuration of the web_server output channel.
      • port: listening port.
    • kafka: configuration of the Kafka output channel.
      • kafka_broker: IP address and port number of the Kafka server.
    • logs: configuration of the logs output channel.
      • metric_dir: path for storing metric data logs.
      • event_dir: path for storing abnormal event data logs.
      • meta_dir: metadata log path.
      • debug_dir: path of gala-gopher run logs.
    • probes: native probe configuration.
      • name: probe name, which must be the same as the native probe name. For example, the name of the example.probe probe is example.
      • param: probe startup parameters. For details about the supported parameters, see Startup Parameters.
      • switch: whether to start a probe. The value can be on or off.
    • extend_probes: third-party probe configuration.
      • name: probe name.
      • command: command for starting a probe.
      • param: probe startup parameters. For details about the supported parameters, see Startup Parameters.
      • start_check: If switch is set to auto, the system determines whether to start the probe based on the execution result of start_check.
      • switch: whether to start a probe. The value can be on, off, or auto. The value auto determines whether to start the probe based on the result of start_check.
    Startup Parameters
    -lWhether to enable the function of reporting abnormal events.
    -tSampling period, in seconds. By default, the probe reports data every 5 seconds.
    -TDelay threshold, in ms. The default value is 0.
    -JJitter threshold, in ms. The default value is 0.
    -OOffline time threshold, in ms. The default value is 0.
    -DPacket loss threshold. The default value is 0.
    -FIf this parameter is set to task, data is filtered by task_whitelist.conf. If this parameter is set to the PID of a process, only the process is monitored.
    -PRange of probe programs loaded to each probe. Currently, the tcpprobe and taskprobe probes are involved.
    -UResource usage threshold (upper limit). The default value is 0 (%).
    -LResource usage threshold (lower limit). The default value is 0 (%).
    -cWhether the probe (TCP) identifies client_port. The default value is 0 (no).
    -NName of the observation process of the specified probe (ksliprobe). The default value is NULL.
    -pBinary file path of the process to be observed, for example, nginx_probe. You can run -p /user/local/sbin/nginx to specify the Nginx file path. The default value is NULL.
    -wFiltering scope of monitored applications, for example, -w /opt/gala-gopher/task_whitelist.conf. You can write the names of the applications to be monitored to the task_whitelist.conf file. The default value is NULL, indicating that the applications are not filtered.
    -nNIC to mount tc eBPF. The default value is NULL, indicating that all NICs are mounted. Example: -n eth0
    Configuration File Example
    • Select the data output channels.

      metric =
          out_channel = "web_server";
          kafka_topic = "gala_gopher";
      event =
          out_channel = "kafka";
          kafka_topic = "gala_gopher_event";
      meta =
          out_channel = "kafka";
          kafka_topic = "gala_gopher_metadata";
    • Configure Kafka and Web Server.

      web_server =
          port = 8888;
      kafka =
          kafka_broker = "<Kafka server IP address>:9092";
    • Select the probe to be enabled. The following is an example.

      probes =
              name = "system_infos";
              param = "-t 5 -w /opt/gala-gopher/task_whitelist.conf -l warn -U 80";
              switch = "on";
      extend_probes =
              name = "tcp";
              command = "/opt/gala-gopher/extend_probes/tcpprobe";
              param = "-l warn -c 1 -P 7";
              switch = "on";


    After the configuration is complete, start gala-gopher.

    # systemctl start gala-gopher.service

    Query the status of the gala-gopher service.

    # systemctl status gala-gopher.service

    If the following information is displayed, the service is started successfully: Check whether the enabled probe is started. If the probe thread does not exist, check the configuration file and gala-gopher run log file.


    Note: The root permission is required for deploying and running gala-gopher.

    How to Use

    Deployment of External Dependent Software


    As shown in the preceding figure, the green parts are external dependent components of gala-gopher. gala-gopher outputs metric data to Prometheus, metadata and abnormal events to Kafka. gala-anteater and gala-spider in gray rectangles obtain data from Prometheus and Kafka.

    Note: Obtain the installation packages of Kafka and Prometheus from the official websites.

    Output Data
    • Metric

      Prometheus Server has a built-in Express Browser UI. You can use PromQL statements to query metric data. For details, see Using the expression browser in the official document. The following is an example.

      If the specified metric is gala_gopher_tcp_link_rcv_rtt, the metric data displayed on the UI is as follows:

      gala_gopher_tcp_link_rcv_rtt{client_ip="x.x.x.165",client_port="1234",hostname="openEuler",instance="x.x.x.172:8888",job="prometheus",machine_id="1fd3774xx",protocol="2",role="0",server_ip="x.x.x.172",server_port="3742",tgid="1516"} 1
    • Metadata

      You can directly consume data from the Kafka topic gala_gopher_metadata. The following is an example.

      # Input request
      ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server x.x.x.165:9092 --topic gala_gopher_metadata
      # Output data
      {"timestamp": 1655888408000, "meta_name": "thread", "entity_name": "thread", "version": "1.0.0", "keys": ["machine_id", "pid"], "labels": ["hostname", "tgid", "comm", "major", "minor"], "metrics": ["fork_count", "task_io_wait_time_us", "task_io_count", "task_io_time_us", "task_hang_count"]}
    • Abnormal events

      You can directly consume data from the Kafka topic gala_gopher_event. The following is an example.

      # Input request
      ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server x.x.x.165:9092 --topic gala_gopher_event
      # Output data
      {"timestamp": 1655888408000, "meta_name": "thread", "entity_name": "thread", "version": "1.0.0", "keys": ["machine_id", "pid"], "labels": ["hostname", "tgid", "comm", "major", "minor"], "metrics": ["fork_count", "task_io_wait_time_us", "task_io_count", "task_io_time_us", "task_hang_count"]}

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