Innovation Version


      Version Constraints

      OS version: openEuler 22.03 LTS SP1 Architecture: x86

      Application Constraints

      Currently, user-mode patches support only Redis and Nginx.


      1. Currently, each software needs to be adapted to process the LINE macro. Currently, only Redis and Nginx are adapted. Other software that is not adapted may cause the patch size to be too large. (Parameters will be introduced in the future to support user adaptation.)
      2. Each user-mode live patch can contain only one ELF file. To fix multiple bugs, you can pass the patch files of multiple bug fixes to the patch making parameters to make a live patch for multiple bugs.

      Language Constraints

      Theoretically, patches are compared at the object file level, which is irrelevant to the programming language. Currently, only the C language is tested.


      1. Cross compilation is not supported.
      2. Root permissions are required for patch management.
      3. The debugging information must be in the dwarf format, and the debugging information at the g3 level is not supported.
      4. The compilation environments of the patch and target software must be the same.

      Bug Catching

      Buggy Content

      Bug Description

      Submit As Issue

      It's a little complicated....

      I'd like to ask someone.


      Just a small problem.

      I can fix it online!

      Bug Type
      Specifications and Common Mistakes

      ● Misspellings or punctuation mistakes;

      ● Incorrect links, empty cells, or wrong formats;

      ● Chinese characters in English context;

      ● Minor inconsistencies between the UI and descriptions;

      ● Low writing fluency that does not affect understanding;

      ● Incorrect version numbers, including software package names and version numbers on the UI.


      ● Incorrect or missing key steps;

      ● Missing prerequisites or precautions;

      ● Ambiguous figures, tables, or texts;

      ● Unclear logic, such as missing classifications, items, and steps.


      ● Technical principles, function descriptions, or specifications inconsistent with those of the software;

      ● Incorrect schematic or architecture diagrams;

      ● Incorrect commands or command parameters;

      ● Incorrect code;

      ● Commands inconsistent with the functions;

      ● Wrong screenshots.

      Risk Warnings

      ● Lack of risk warnings for operations that may damage the system or important data.

      Content Compliance

      ● Contents that may violate applicable laws and regulations or geo-cultural context-sensitive words and expressions;

      ● Copyright infringement.

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      Bug Catching
      编组 3备份