Installing the OBS Tool
Open Build Service (OBS) is a general tool for building source packages into RPM packages or Linux images. obs-server is the software package of OBS.
Supported Architectures
OBS supports x86_64 and AArch64 architectures.
OBS Installation
openEuler 22.03 LTS SP2 for the AArch64 architecture is used as an example to demonstrate how to install the multi-architecture obs-server packages.
Check whether the OS is openEuler 22.03 LTS SP2.
$ cat /etc/openEuler-release openEuler release 22.03 LTS SP2
Configure the Yum source. The repo source for the multi-architecture obs-server must be placed before the everything repo source. An example Yum source configuration is as follows:
[everything] name=everything baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0
RUn the following command to open the repo source file and add the preceding content.
sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/xxx.repo
Enable the Yum source.
sudo yum clean all sudo yum makecache
Check whether OBS packages of other versions exist.
sudo rpm -qa obs-server obs-common obs-api mod_passenger obs-api-deps obs-bundled-gems passenger ruby ruby-help ruby-irb rubygem-bundler rubygem-io-console rubygem-json rubygem-openssl rubygem-psych rubygem-rake rubygem-rdoc rubygems rubygem-bigdecimal rubygem-did_you_mean
(Optional) To prevent conflicts, uninstall OBS packages of other versions.
sudo yum remove -y obs-server obs-common obs-api mod_passenger obs-api-deps obs-bundled-gems passenger ruby ruby-help ruby-irb rubygem-bundler rubygem-io-console rubygem-json rubygem-openssl rubygem-psych rubygem-rake rubygem-rdoc rubygems rubygem-bigdecimal rubygem-did_you_mean
- The example repo source is the multi-architecture version of obs-server released with openEuler 22.03 LTS SP2.
- Installation dependency packages of different versions may conflict, causing installation failure. You are advised to uninstall the preceding software packages before installation.
Install obs-server packages.
sudo yum install -y obs-api obs-server
Check whether obs-server packages are successfully installed.
$ rpm -qa | grep obs-server obs-server-2.10.11-6.oe2203.noarch $ rpm -qa | grep obs-api obs-api-2.10.11-6.oe2203.noarch
OBS Deployment
Obtain the deployment script at
Run the script to deploy the OBS tool.
Usage Instructions
You can build RPM packages using the OBS web UI or the osc CLI tool. For details, see Building an RPM Package.