Long-Term Supported Versions

    Using SysCare

    This chapter describes how to use SysCare on openEuler.


    openEuler 22.03 LTS SP2 has been installed.

    Using SysCare CLI Tools

    You can use syscare build to create patches and use syscare patch to manage patches, including installing, activating, deactivating, confirming, and uninstalling patches.

    Creating Patches

    syscare-build is used to create patches, for example:

    syscare build \
       --patch-name "HP001" \
       --source ./redis-6.2.5-1.src.rpm \
       --debuginfo ./redis-debuginfo-6.2.5-1.x86_64.rpm \
       --output ./output \

    Managing Patches

    The pattern for matching a patch name is TARGET_PACKAGE_NAME/PATCH_NAME. If PATCH_NAME is unique, TARGET_PACKAGE_NAME/ can be omitted. UUIDs can also be used to identify packages.

    1. Installing a patch:

      syscare apply PATCH_NAME
    2. Activating a patch:

      syscare active PATCH_NAME
    3. Deactivating a patch:

      syscare deactive PATCH_NAME
    4. Uninstalling/removing a patch:

      syscare remove PATCH_NAME
    5. Confirming a patch:

      syscare accept patch-name
    6. Querying the status of a patch:

      syscare status PATCH_NAME
    7. Querying all SysCare patches:

      syscare list

    Patch Making Module

    SysCare Patch Making Tool

    syscare-build is a CLI tool that creates kernel- and user-mode live patches from RPM packages. Patches are encapsulated into RPM packages.

    Command Parameters

    Usage: syscare-build [OPTIONS] --patch-name <PATCH_NAME> --source <SOURCE> --debuginfo <DEBUGINFO> <PATCHES>...
      <PATCHES>...  Patch file(s)
      -n, --patch-name <PATCH_NAME>                Patch name
          --patch-arch <PATCH_ARCH>                Patch architecture [default: x86_64]
          --patch-version <PATCH_VERSION>          Patch version [default: 1]
          --patch-release <PATCH_RELEASE>          Patch release [default: 1]
          --patch-description <PATCH_DESCRIPTION>  Patch description [default: (none)]
          --target-name <TARGET_NAME>              Patch target name
      -t, --target-elfname <TARGET_ELFNAME>        Patch target executable name
          --target-arch <TARGET_ARCH>              parch target architecture
          --target-epoch <TARGET_EPOCH>            Patch target epoch
          --target-version <TARGET_VERSION>        Patch target version
          --target-release <TARGET_RELEASE>        Patch target release
          --target-license <TARGET_LICENSE>        Patch target license
      -s, --source <SOURCE>                        Source package
      -d, --debuginfo <DEBUGINFO>                  Debuginfo package
          --workdir <WORKDIR>                      Working directory [default: .]
      -o, --output <OUTPUT>                        Generated patch output directory [default: .]
      -j, --jobs <N>                               Parallel build jobs [default: 96]
          --skip-compiler-check                    Skip compiler version check (not recommended)
          --skip-cleanup                           Skip post-build cleanup
      -v, --verbose                                Provide more detailed info
      -h, --help                                   Print help information
      -V, --version                                Print version information


    <PATCHES>Patch file pathStringMandatory. The value can be multiple valid paths.


    -n, --patch-name <PATCH_NAME>Patch nameStringMandatory. The value must comply with the RPM package naming convention.
    --patch-arch <PATCH_ARCH>Patch architectureStringThe default value is the current architectures. The value must comply with the RPM package naming convention.
    --patch-version <PATCH_VERSION>Patch versionStringThe default value is 1. The value must comply with the RPM package naming convention.
    --patch-release <PATCH_RELEASE>Patch releaseIntegerThe default value is 1. The value must comply with the RPM package naming convention.
    --patch-description <PATCH_DESCRIPTION>Patch descriptionStringThe default value is none.
    --target-name <TARGET_NAME>Target software RPM package nameStringThe default value is determined by the src.rpm package specified by --source.
    --target-arch <TARGET_ARCH>Target software RPM package architectureStringThe default value is determined by the src.rpm package specified by --source.
    --target-epoch <TARGET_EPOCH>Target software RPM package epochStringThe default value is determined by the src.rpm package specified by --source.
    --target-version <TARGET_VERSION>Target software RPM package versionStringThe default value is determined by the src.rpm package specified by --source.
    --target-release <TARGET_RELEASE>Target software RPM package releaseStringThe default value is determined by the src.rpm package specified by --source.
    --target-license <TARGET_LICENSE>Target software RPM package licenseStringThe default value is determined by the src.rpm package specified by --source.
    -s, --source <SOURCE>Target software src.rpm package pathStringMandatory. The value must be a valid path.
    -d, --debuginfo <DEBUGINFO>Target software debuginfo package pathStringMandatory. The value must be a valid path.
    --workdir <WORKDIR>Temporary directoryStringThe default value is the current directory. The value must be a valid path.
    -o, --output <OUTPUT>Patch output directoryStringThe default value is the current directory. The value must be a valid path.
    -j, --jobs <N>Number of parallel compilation jobsIntegerThe default value is the number of CPU threads
    --skip-compiler-checkSkip compiler checkFlag-
    --skip-cleanupSkip temporary file cleanupFlag-
    -v, --verbosePrint detail informationFlag-
    -h, --helpPrint help informationFlag-
    -V, --versionPrint version informationFlag-

    An example command is as follows:

    syscare build \
        --patch-name "HP001" \
        --patch-description "CVE-2021-32675 - When parsing an incoming Redis Standard Protocol (RESP) request, Redis allocates memory according to user-specified values which determine the number of elements (in the multi-bulk header) and size of each element (in the bulk header). An attacker delivering specially crafted requests over multiple connections can cause the server to allocate significant amount of memory. Because the same parsing mechanism is used to handle authentication requests, this vulnerability can also be exploited by unauthenticated users." \
        --source ./redis-6.2.5-1.src.rpm \
        --debuginfo ./redis-debuginfo-6.2.5-1.x86_64.rpm \
        --output ./output \

    Patch Output

    • A patch package that contains the binary file of SysCare and meta information. This package is used to install the live patch.
    • A patch source package that contains the target software source code and the new patch. This package is used to create live patches for new versions.

    Naming rules:


    Patch Information

    The patch meta information contains the following fields:

    uuidPatch ID
    namePatch name
    versionPatch version
    releasePatch release
    archPatch architecture
    typePatch type
    targetTarget software name
    target_elfName of the executable file of the target software
    digestPatch fingerprint
    licenseTarget software license
    descriptionPatch description
    patchPatch file list


    syscare info redis-6.2.5-1/HP001
    uuid:        ec503257-aa75-4abc-9045-c4afdd7ae0f2
    name:        HP001
    version:     1
    release:     1
    arch:        x86_64
    type:        UserPatch
    target:      redis-6.2.5-1
    target_elf:  redis-cli, redis-server, redis-benchmark
    digest:      31fc7544
    license:     BSD and MIT
    description: CVE-2021-32675 - When parsing an incoming Redis Standard Protocol (RESP) request, Redis allocates memory according to user-specified values which determine the number of elements (in the multi-bulk header) and size of each element (in the bulk header). An attacker delivering specially crafted requests over multiple connections can cause the server to allocate significant amount of memory. Because the same parsing mechanism is used to handle authentication requests, this vulnerability can also be exploited by unauthenticated users.
    31fc7544 0001-Prevent-unauthenticated-client-from-easily-consuming.patch

    Patch Making Process

    1. Prepare the source package (source RPM) and debugging information package (debuginfo RPM) of the target software.


      yumdownloader kernel --source
      yumdownloader kernel --debuginfo
    2. Ensure that the related software build dependencies are installed.


      dnf install make gcc bison flex openssl-devel dwarves python3-devel elfutils-libelf-devel
    3. Run the syscare-build command.


      syscare build \
              --patch-name HP001 \
              --source kernel-5.10.0- \
              --debuginfo kernel-debuginfo-5.10.0- \
              --output output \

      During patch making, a temporary folder whose name starts with syscare-build is created in the directory specified by --workdir (the current directory by default) to store temporary files and build logs.


      $ ls -l syscare-build.111602/
      total 100
      -rw-r--r--. 1 dev dev 92303 Nov 12 00:00 build.log
      drwxr-xr-x. 6 dev dev 4096 Nov 12 00:00 package
      drwxr-xr-x. 4 dev dev 4096 Nov 12 00:00 patch

      Build logs (build.log) are generated in the temporary folder.

      $ cat syscare-build.111602/build.log | less

      If the patch is created successfully and --skip-compiler-check is not specified, the temporary folder will be deleted after patch making.

    4. Check the build result.


      $ ls -l
      total 189680
      -rw-r--r--. 1 dev dev 194218767 Nov 12 00:00 kernel-5.10.0-
      -rw-r--r--. 1 dev dev     10937 Nov 12 00:00 patch-kernel-5.10.0-

      In the output:

      patch-kernel-5.10.0- is the patch package.

      kernel-5.10.0- is the patch source package.

    5. Install the patch.

      dnf install patch-xxx.rpm

      After the patch is installed, files in the patch are stored in the /usr/lib/syscare/patches/target_software_package_name/patch_name directory

    6. Uninstall the patch.

      dnf remove patch-xxx

      The patch package will be uninstalled when the patch is beyond the ACTIVED state.

    Error Handling

    If an error occurs, see the build logs:

    Error output example:

    Building patch, this may take a while
    ERROR: Process '/usr/libexec/syscare/upatch-build' exited unsuccessfully, exit_code=255

    Bug Catching

    Buggy Content

    Bug Description

    Submit As Issue

    It's a little complicated....

    I'd like to ask someone.


    Just a small problem.

    I can fix it online!

    Bug Type
    Specifications and Common Mistakes

    ● Misspellings or punctuation mistakes;

    ● Incorrect links, empty cells, or wrong formats;

    ● Chinese characters in English context;

    ● Minor inconsistencies between the UI and descriptions;

    ● Low writing fluency that does not affect understanding;

    ● Incorrect version numbers, including software package names and version numbers on the UI.


    ● Incorrect or missing key steps;

    ● Missing prerequisites or precautions;

    ● Ambiguous figures, tables, or texts;

    ● Unclear logic, such as missing classifications, items, and steps.


    ● Technical principles, function descriptions, or specifications inconsistent with those of the software;

    ● Incorrect schematic or architecture diagrams;

    ● Incorrect commands or command parameters;

    ● Incorrect code;

    ● Commands inconsistent with the functions;

    ● Wrong screenshots.

    Risk Warnings

    ● Lack of risk warnings for operations that may damage the system or important data.

    Content Compliance

    ● Contents that may violate applicable laws and regulations or geo-cultural context-sensitive words and expressions;

    ● Copyright infringement.

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    Bug Catching
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