Command Line Parameters
Table 1 login command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
login | -H, --host | Specifies the iSulad socket file path to be accessed. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-p, --password | Specifies the password for logging in to the registry. |
--password-stdin | Specifies the password for obtaining the registry from standard input. |
-u, --username | Specifies the username for logging in to the registry. |
Table 2 logout command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
logout | -H, --host | Specifies the iSulad socket file path to be accessed. |
--help | Prints help information. |
Table 3 pull command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
pull | -H, --host | Specifies the iSulad socket file path to be accessed. |
--help | Prints help information. |
Table 4 rmi command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
rmi | -H, --host | Specifies the iSulad socket file path to be accessed. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-D, --debug | Enables the debug mode. |
-f, --force | Forcibly removes an image. |
Table 5 load command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
load | -H, --host (supported only by iSula) | Specifies the iSulad socket file path to be accessed. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-D, --debug | Enables the debug mode. |
-i, --input | Specifies where to import an image. If the image is of the docker type, the value is the image package path. If the image is of the embedded type, the value is the image manifest path. |
--tag | Uses the image name specified by TAG instead of the default image name. This parameter is supported when the type is set to docker. |
Table 6 images command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
images | -H, --host | Specifies the iSulad socket file path to be accessed. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-D, --debug | Enables the debug mode. |
-f, --filter | Filters information about a specified image. |
-q, --quit | Displays only the image name. |
Table 7 inspect command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
inspect | -H, --host | Specifies the iSulad socket file path to be accessed. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-D, --debug | Enables the debug mode. |
-f, --format | Outputs using a template. |
-t, --time | Timeout interval, in seconds. If the inspect command fails to query container information within the specified period, the system stops waiting and reports an error immediately. The default value is 120s. If the value is less than or equal to 0, the inspect command keeps waiting until the container information is obtained successfully. |
Table 8 tag command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
tag | -H, --host | Specifies the path of the iSulad socket file to be connected. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-D, --debug | Enables the debug mode. |
Table 9 import command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
import | -H, --host | Specifies the path of the iSulad socket file to be connected. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-D, --debug | Enables the debug mode. |
Table 10 export command parameters
Command | Parameter | Description |
export | -H, --host | Specifies the path of the iSulad socket file to be connected. |
--help | Prints help information. |
-D, --debug | Enables the debug mode. |
-o, --output | Outputs to a specified file. |
CNI Parameters
Table 1 CNI single network parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory or Not | Description |
cniVersion | string | Yes | CNI version. Only 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 are supported. |
name | string | Yes | Network name, which is user-defined and must be unique. |
type | string | Yes | Network type. The following types are supported: underlay_ipvlan overlay_l2 underlay_l2 vpc-router dpdk-direct phy-direct |
ipMasq | bool | No | Configures the IP masquerade. |
ipam | structure | No | For details, see the IPAM parameter definition. |
ipam.type | string | No | IPAM type. The following types are supported: (1) For underlay_l2, overlay_l2, and vpc-router networking, only the default value distributed_l2 is supported. (2) For underlay_ipvlan networking, the default value is distributed_l2. In the CCN scenario, only null and fixed are supported. In the CCE and FST 5G core scenarios, only null and distributed_l2 are supported. (3) For phy-direct and dpdk-direct networking, the default value is l2, and optional values are null and distributed_l2. In the FST 5G core scenario, only null and distributed_l2 are supported. Description: If the value is out of the range (for example, host-local), Canal automatically sets the value to the default value and no error is returned. null: Canal is not used to manage IP addresses. fixed: fixed IP address, which is used in the CCN scenario. l2: This value is not used in any scenario. distributed_l2: The distributed small subnet is used to manage IP addresses. |
ipam.subnet | string | No | Subnet information. Canal supports the subnet mask ranging from 8 to 29. The IP address cannot be a multicast address (for example,, reserved address (, local link address (, or local loop address ( |
ipam.gateway | string | No | Gateway IP address. |
ipam.range-start | string | No | Available start IP address. |
ipam.range-end | string | No | Available end IP address. |
ipam.routes | structure | No | Subnet list. Each element is a route dictionary. For details, see the route definition. |
ipam.routes.dst | string | No | Destination network. | | string | No | Gateway address. |
dns | structure | No | Contains some special DNS values. |
dns.nameservers | []string | No | NameServers |
dns.domain | string | No | Domain | | []string | No | Search |
dns.options | []string | No | Options |
multi_entry | int | No | Number of IP addresses required by a vNIC. The value ranges from 0 to 16. For physical passthrough, a maximum of 128 IP addresses can be applied for a single NIC. |
backup_mode | bool | No | Active/Standby mode, which is used only for phy-direct and dpdk-direct networking. |
vlanID | int | No | The value ranges from 0 to 4095. It can be specified through PaaS. |
vlan_inside | bool | No | The value true indicates that the VLAN function is implemented internally on the node, and the value false indicates that the VLAN function is implemented externally. |
vxlanID | int | No | The value ranges from 0 to 16777215. It can be specified through PaaS. |
vxlan_inside | bool | No | The value true indicates that the VLAN function is implemented internally on the node, and the value false indicates that the VLAN function is implemented externally. |
action | string | No | This parameter can be used only with the special container ID 000000000000. Create: creates a network. Delete: deletes a network. |
args | map[string]interface{} | No | Key-value pair type. |
runtimeConfig | structure | No | None |
capabilities | structure | No | None |
Table 2 CNI args parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
K8S_POD_NAME | string | No | Set this parameter when you apply for a fixed IP address (runtimeConfig.ican_caps.fixed_ip is set to true). |
K8S_POD_NAMESPACE | string | No | Set this parameter when you apply for a fixed IP address (runtimeConfig.ican_caps.fixed_ip is set to true). |
SECURE_CONTAINER | string | No | Secure container flag. |
multi_port | int | No | The value ranges from 1 to 8. The default value is 1. Specifies the number of passthrough NICs. Only phy-direct and dpdk-direct networks are supported. |
phy-direct | string | No | Specifies the NIC to be connected when you create an SR-IOV container network. |
dpdk-direct | string | No | Specifies the NIC to be connected when you create a DPDK passthrough container network. |
tenant_id | string | No | Indicates the tenant ID. Only vpc-router networks are supported. |
vpc_id | string | No | VPC ID. Only vpc-router networks are supported. |
secret_name | string | No | Specifies the AK/SK object name on the K8S APIServer. Only vpc-router networks are supported. For details, see the configuration of VPC-Router logical networks. |
IP | string | No | IP address specified by the user, in the format of |
K8S_POD_NETWORK_ARGS | string | No | Specifies an IP address, in the format of If both IP and K8S_POD_NETWORK_ARGS in args are not empty, the value of K8S_POD_NETWORK_ARGS prevails. |
INSTANCE_NAME | string | No | INSTANCE ID. Refer to fixed IP addresses that support containers. |
dist_gateway_disable | bool | No | The value true indicates that no gateway is created, and the value false indicates that a gateway is created. |
phynet | string or []string | No | Specifies the name of the physical plane to be added. The physical plane name is predefined and corresponds to that in the SNC system. When two plane names are entered, the active and standby planes are supported. Example: phy_net1 or ["phy_net2","phy_net3"] |
endpoint_policies | struct | No | "endpoint_policies": [ { "Type": "", "ExceptionList": [ "" ], "NeedEncap": true, "DestinationPrefix": "" } ] |
port_map | struct | No | On a NAT network, container ports can be advertised to host ports. "port_map": [ { "local_port": number, "host_port": number, "protocol": [string...] }... ] |
Table 3 CNI multiple network parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
cniVersion | string | Yes | CNI version. Only 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 are supported. |
name | string | Yes | Network name, which is user-defined and must be unique. |
plugins | struct | Yes | For details, see CNI single network parameters. |