FangTian Installation and Deployment
This chapter describes how to install FangTian in openEuler.
Software and Hardware Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Currently, only the x86 and AArch64 architectures are supported.
Software Requirements
OS: openEuler 22.03 LTS SP3
Environment Setup
Install the openEuler OS. For details, see the openEuler Installation Guide.
Installing the FangTian Software Package
On the x86 platform:
sudo dnf install ft_multimedia ft_mmi ft_flutter ft_engine arkui-linux ft_utils
sudo dnf install ft_multimedia-devel ft_mmi-devel ft_flutter-devel ft_engine-devel
On the AArch64 platform:
sudo dnf install ft_multimedia ft_mmi ft_flutter ft_engine ft_utils
sudo dnf install ft_multimedia-devel ft_mmi-devel ft_flutter-devel ft_engine-devel
Starting FangTian
Start the SAMGR system service.
Assume that binder and ashmem have been installed.
sudo /usr/share/sa/pre_oneshot_samgr
Directly start SAMGR.
mkdir -p ~/tmp sudo samgr > ~/tmp/samgr.log 2>&1 &
Alternatively, set SAMGR as a service and start the service.
sudo systemctl restart samgr
Start the SA engine.
sa_main /system/profile/ft/ft.xml > ~/tmp/ftsa.log 2>&1 &
- SA stands for system ability. A process can have multiple SAs. The ft.xml file specifies multiple SAs for the ft process. For details about SAMGR and SAs, see the OpenHarmony documentation.
- The SA configuration XML file, sa_main, and SAMGR are automatically deployed during software package installation.
Developing and Running a Simple GUI Application Using FangTian
Example of a simple C++ GUI application.
Run the application:
desktop &
The following window is displayed:
For details about FangTian application development, see FT interfaces.