i3 in openEuler User Guide
What Is i3?
i3 is a tiling window manager.
The interface of i3 is as follows:
i3 is based on the X Window protocol. Therefore, you need to install X Server first.
dnf in xorg-x11-server
As i3 is only a window manager, it does not contain the components required in a complete Linux desktop environment. You need to install some basic components.
dnf in xorg-x11-drv-* lightdm lightdm-gtk
Install i3 components.
dnf in i3 i3status i3blocks i3lock i3blocks-contrib \ xfce4-terminal xcompmgr acpi dmenu
Start lightdm after the installation is complete.
sudo systemctl start lightdm
After the session manager is displayed, enter the user name and password to log in to the i3 desktop.
Basic Operations in i3
(Mod is usually mapped to the Windows key on a Windows-compatible keyboard.)
- Mod+d: Open dmenu for quickly starting processes.
- Mod+Enter: Open a terminal.
- Mod+↑/↓/←/→: Move focus between windows.
- Mod+Shift+q: Close the window of focus.
- Mod+Shift+r: Hot load the configuration file.
- Mod+Shift+e: Exit i3.
- Mod+Shift+l: Lock the screen.
For more operation guides, see i3 Documentation.