Long-Term Supported Versions

    Innovation Versions


      Lustre is an open source parallel file system designed for high scalability, performance, and availability. Lustre runs on Linux and provides POSIX-compliant UNIX file system interfaces.

      An Lustre cluster contains four main components:

      • Management Service (MGS): Stores configuration information for the Lustre file system.
      • Metadata Service (MDS): Provides metadata service for the Lustre file systems.
      • Object Storage Service (OSS): Stores file data as objects.
      • Lustre clients: Mounts the Lustre file system.

      These components are connected through Lustre Network(LNet), as shown below figure:

      Environment Requirements

      Server specifications

      • One or more x86 or Arm serves installed with openEuler 22.03 LTS SP3.
      • A dedicated drive is reserved for Lustre.
      • An Ethernet or InfiniBand NIC is installed.


      In the production deployment, carefully read Lustre manual chapters 5 and 6 for Lustre hardware configuration and storage RAID requirements.


      Install Lustre all nodes.

      1. Install the Lustre RPM repository package.

        sudo dnf install lustre-release

      2. Install the Lustre RPM packages.

        sudo dnf install lustre lustre-tests


      The current Lustre RPM packages are compiled based on the kernel in-tree IB driver for the ldiskfs backend. If you need to compile the RPM packages based on third-party IB drivers (such as the MLX IB NIC driver) or compile ZFS backend support, recompile the Lustre source RPM package.

      Lustre source RPM download: https://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-22.03-LTS-SP3/EPOL/update/multi_version/lustre/2.15/source/

      Install compilation dependencies.

      sudo dnf builddep --srpm lustre-2.15.3-2.oe2203sp3.src.rpm

      Recompile based on the MLX IB NIC driver.

      You need to install the MLX IB NIC driver in advance.

      rpmbuild --rebuild --with mofed lustre-2.15.3-2.oe2203sp3.src.rpm

      Recompile for the ZFS backend.

      Use verification branch zfs-2.1-release to compile for the ZFS backend.

      git clone -b zfs-2.1-release https://github.com/openzfs/zfs

      cd zfs && sh autogen.sh && ./configure --with-spec=redhat && make rpms

      sudo dnf install ./*$(arch).rpm

      rpmbuild --rebuild --with zfs lustre-2.15.3-2.oe2203sp3.src.rpm



      The following steps are simplified. In the production environment, you are advised to follow the details steps in chapter 4 of the Lustre manual.

      Configure the network.

      If there are multiple NICs, specify the one(s) for Lustre to use. For example, specify one Ethernet and IB NICs for Lustre.

      $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/lustre.conf 
      options lnet networks="tcp(enp125s0f0),o2ib(enp133s0f0)

      Load the Lustre module.

      Check if the LNet is normal.

      $ sudo modproe lustre
      $ sudo lctl list_nids

      Deploy a standalone node.

      Run the following commands to build a single-node environment for test and verification:

      $ sudo /lib64/lustre/tests/llmount.sh
      $ mount
      ... on /mnt/lustre type lustre (rw,checksum,flock,user_xattr,lruresize,lazystatfs,nouser_fid2path,verbose,encrypt)
      $ lfs df -h
      UUID                       bytes        Used   Available Use% Mounted on
      lustre-MDT0000_UUID        95.8M        3.2M       90.5M   4% /mnt/lustre[MDT:0]
      lustre-OST0000_UUID       239.0M        3.0M      234.0M   2% /mnt/lustre[OST:0]
      lustre-OST0001_UUID       239.0M        3.0M      234.0M   2% /mnt/lustre[OST:1]
      filesystem_summary:       478.0M        6.0M      468.0M   2% /mnt/lustre

      Deploy a multi-node cluster.

      On the MGS/MDS node, add an MDT whose name in the Lustre file system is temp.

      $ sudo mkfs.lustre --fsname=temp --mgs --mdt --index=0 /dev/vdb
         Permanent disk data:
      Target:     temp:MDT0000
      Index:      0
      Lustre FS:  temp
      Mount type: ldiskfs
      Flags:      0x65
                    (MDT MGS first_time update )
      Persistent mount opts: user_xattr,errors=remount-ro
      device size = 81920MB
      formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/vdb
              target name   temp:MDT0000
              kilobytes     83886080
              options        -J size=3276 -I 1024 -i 2560 -q -O dirdata,uninit_bg,^extents,dir_nlink,quota,project,huge_file,ea_inode,large_dir,^fast_commit,flex_bg -E lazy_journal_init="0",lazy_itable_init="0" -F
      mkfs_cmd = mke2fs -j -b 4096 -L temp:MDT0000  -J size=3276 -I 1024 -i 2560 -q -O dirdata,uninit_bg,^extents,dir_nlink,quota,project,huge_file,ea_inode,large_dir,^fast_commit,flex_bg -E lazy_journal_init="0",lazy_itable_init="0" -F /dev/vdb 83886080k
      Writing CONFIGS/mountdata
      $ sudo mkdir /mnt/lustre-mdt1
      $ sudo mount -t lustre /dev/vdb /mnt/lustre-mdt1

      Add multiple MDTs in the same way with incrementing values of --index.

      On the OSS node, add an OST:

      $ sudo lctl list_nids
      ]$ sudo mkfs.lustre --fsname=temp --mgsnode= --ost --index=0 /dev/vdc
         Permanent disk data:
      Target:     temp:OST0000
      Index:      0
      Lustre FS:  temp
      Mount type: ldiskfs
      Flags:      0x62
                    (OST first_time update )
      Persistent mount opts: ,errors=remount-ro
      Parameters: mgsnode=
      device size = 51200MB
      formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/vdc
              target name   temp:OST0000
              kilobytes     52428800
              options        -J size=1024 -I 512 -i 69905 -q -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_nlink,quota,project,huge_file,^fast_commit,flex_bg -G 256 -E resize="4290772992",lazy_journal_init="0",lazy_itable_init="0" -F
      mkfs_cmd = mke2fs -j -b 4096 -L temp:OST0000  -J size=1024 -I 512 -i 69905 -q -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_nlink,quota,project,huge_file,^fast_commit,flex_bg -G 256 -E resize="4290772992",lazy_journal_init="0",lazy_itable_init="0" -F /dev/vdc 52428800k
      Writing CONFIGS/mountdata
      $ sudo mkdir /mnt/lustre-ost1
      $ sudo mount -t lustre /dev/vdc /mnt/lustre-ost1

      Add multiple OSTs in the same way with incrementing values of --index.

      On the client node, mount the Lustre file system and test file read and write:

      $ sudo mount -t lustre /mnt/lustre
      $ mount
      ... on /mnt/lustre type lustre (rw,checksum,flock,nouser_xattr,lruresize,lazystatfs,nouser_fid2path,verbose,encrypt)
      $ lfs df -h
      UUID                       bytes        Used   Available Use% Mounted on
      temp-MDT0000_UUID          44.4G        4.8M       40.4G   1% /mnt/lustre[MDT:0]
      temp-OST0000_UUID          48.2G        1.2M       45.7G   1% /mnt/lustre[OST:0]
      filesystem_summary:        48.2G        1.2M       45.7G   1% /mnt/lustre
      $ echo "1234asdf"|sudo tee /mnt/lustre/testfile
      $ cat /mnt/lustre/testfile

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      ● Incorrect links, empty cells, or wrong formats;

      ● Chinese characters in English context;

      ● Minor inconsistencies between the UI and descriptions;

      ● Low writing fluency that does not affect understanding;

      ● Incorrect version numbers, including software package names and version numbers on the UI.


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      ● Missing prerequisites or precautions;

      ● Ambiguous figures, tables, or texts;

      ● Unclear logic, such as missing classifications, items, and steps.


      ● Technical principles, function descriptions, or specifications inconsistent with those of the software;

      ● Incorrect schematic or architecture diagrams;

      ● Incorrect commands or command parameters;

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