Long-Term Supported Versions

    Innovation Versions

      Example of Isolation for Hybrid Deployed Services

      Environment Preparation

      Check whether the kernel supports isolation of hybrid deployed services.

      # Check whether isolation of hybrid deployed services is enabled in the /boot/config-<kernel version> system configuration.
      # If CONFIG_QOS_SCHED=y, the function is enabled. Example:
      cat /boot/config-5.10.0- | grep CONFIG_QOS

      Install the Docker engine.

      yum install -y docker-engine
      docker version
      # The following shows the output of docker version.
       Version:           18.09.0
       API version:       1.39
       Go version:        go1.17.3
       Git commit:        aa1eee8
       Built:             Wed Mar 30 05:07:38 2022
       OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
       Experimental:      false
        Version:          18.09.0
        API version:      1.39 (minimum version 1.12)
        Go version:       go1.17.3
        Git commit:       aa1eee8
        Built:            Tue Mar 22 00:00:00 2022
        OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
        Experimental:     false

      Hybrid Deployed Services

      Online Service ClickHouse

      Use the clickhouse-benchmark tool to test the performance and collect statistics on performance metrics such as QPS, P50, P90, and P99. For details, see https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/operations/utilities/clickhouse-benchmark/.

      Offline Service Stress

      Stress is a CPU-intensive test tool. You can specify the --cpu option to start multiple concurrent CPU-intensive tasks to increase the stress on the system.

      Usage Instructions

      1. Start a ClickHouse container (online service).

      2. Access the container and run the clickhouse-benchmark command. Set the number of concurrent queries to 10, the number of queries to 10000, and time limit to 30.

      3. Start a Stress container (offline service) at the same time and concurrently execute 10 CPU-intensive tasks to increase the stress on the environment.

      4. After the clickhouse-benchmark command is executed, a performance test report is generated.

      The test_demo.sh script for the isolation test for hybrid deployed services is as follows:

      exec_sql="echo \"SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10000000 OFFSET 10000000\" | clickhouse-benchmark -i 10000 -c $concurrency -t $timeout"
      function prepare() {
          echo "Launch clickhouse container."
          online_container=$(docker run -itd \
                  -v /tmp:/tmp:rw \
                  --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 \
                  -p 34424:34424 \
          sleep 3
          echo "Clickhouse container lauched."
      function clickhouse() {
          echo "Start clickhouse benchmark test."
          docker exec $online_container bash -c "$exec_sql --json $output"
          echo "Clickhouse benchmark test done."
      function stress() {
          echo "Launch stress container."
          offline_container=$(docker run -itd joedval/stress --cpu $stress_num)
          echo "Stress container launched."
          if [ $enable_isolation == "enable_isolation" ]; then
              echo "Set stress container qos level to -1."
              echo -1 > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/docker/$offline_container/cpu.qos_level
      function benchmark() {
          if [ $with_offline == "with_offline" ]; then
              sleep 3
          echo "Remove test containers."
          docker rm -f $online_container
          docker rm -f $offline_container
          echo "Finish benchmark test for clickhouse(online) and stress(offline) colocation."
          echo "===============================clickhouse benchmark=================================================="
          cat $output
          echo "===============================clickhouse benchmark=================================================="

      Test Results

      Independently execute the online service ClickHouse.

      sh test_demo.sh no_offline no_isolation

      The baseline QoS data (QPS/P50/P90/P99) of the online service is as follows:

          "localhost:9000": {
              "statistics": {
                  "QPS": 1.8853412284364512,
          "query_time_percentiles": {
              "50": 0.484905256,
              "60": 0.519641313,
              "70": 0.570876148,
              "80": 0.632544937,
              "90": 0.728295525,
              "95": 0.808700418,
              "99": 0.873945121,

      Execute the test_demo.sh script to start the offline service Stress and run the test with the isolation function disabled.

      # **with_offline** indicates that the offline service Stress is enabled.
      # **no_isolation** indicates that isolation of hybrid deployed services is disabled.
      sh test_demo.sh with_offline no_isolation

      When isolation of hybrid deployed services is disabled, the QoS data (QPS/P80/P90/P99) of the ClickHouse service is as follows:

          "localhost:9000": {
              "statistics": {
                  "QPS": 0.9424028693636205,
          "query_time_percentiles": {
              "50": 0.840476774,
              "60": 1.304607373,
              "70": 1.393591017,
              "80": 1.41277543,
              "90": 1.430316688,
              "95": 1.457534764,
              "99": 1.555646855,

      Execute the test_demo.sh script to start the offline service Stress and run the test with the isolation function enabled.

      # **with_offline** indicates that the offline service Stress is enabled.
      # **enable_isolation** indicates that isolation of hybrid deployed services is enabled.
      sh test_demo.sh with_offline enable_isolation

      When isolation of hybrid deployed services is enabled, the QoS data (QPS/P80/P90/P99) of the ClickHouse service is as follows:

          "localhost:9000": {
              "statistics": {
                  "QPS": 1.8825798759270718,
          "query_time_percentiles": {
              "50": 0.485725185,
              "60": 0.512629901,
              "70": 0.55656488,
              "80": 0.636395956,
              "90": 0.734695906,
              "95": 0.804118275,
              "99": 0.887807409,

      The following table lists the test results.

      Service Deployment ModeQPSP50P90P99
      ClickHouse (baseline)1.8850.4850.7280.874
      ClickHouse + Stress (isolation disabled)0.942 (-50%)0.840 (-42%)1.430 (-49%)1.556 (-44%)
      ClickHouse + Stress (isolation enabled)1.883 (-0.11%)0.486 (-0.21%)0.735 (-0.96%)0.888 (-1.58%)

      When isolation of hybrid deployed services is disabled, the QPS of ClickHouse decreases from approximately 1.9 to 0.9, the service response delay (P90) increases from approximately 0.7s to 1.4s, and the QoS decreases by about 50%. When isolation of hybrid deployed services is enabled, the QPS and response delay (P50/P90/P99) of ClickHouse decrease by less than 2% compared with the baseline, and the QoS remains unchanged.

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