Innovation Version

      Container Build Guide

      The openEuler Embedded build process is based on the openEuler OS, and requires many system tools and build tools to be installed. To help developers quickly set up a build environment, the operating system and tools on which the build process depends are encapsulated into a container. In this way, developers can avoid the time-consuming environment preparation process and focus on development.

      Environment Preparation

      Use Docker to create a container environment. The software and hardware requirements of Docker are as follows:

      • OS: openEuler 20.03/22.03, Ubuntu 20.04/22.04, Debian 11, and Suse 12.05 are recommended.
      • Kernel: Linux 3.8 or later is recommended.
      • Driver: The kernel must include a proper storage driver, for example, Device Mapper, AUFS, vfs, btrfs, or ZFS.
      • Architecture: 64-bit architecture (currently only x86-64 and AMD64).

      Installing Docker

      1. Check whether Docker has been installed in the current environment.

      Run the following command. If the Docker version is displayed, Docker has been installed in the current environment. You can use it directly.

      docker version
      1. If Docker is not installed, install it by referring to the official document.

      Install Docker on openEuler by referring to the installation guide for CentOS.

      For example, run the following command to install Docker on openEuler:

      sudo yum install docker

      Obtaining the Container Image

      Run the docker pull command to pull the image from Huawei Cloud to the host machine:

      docker pull

      The latest image is downloaded by default. You can also run the following command to download the image version based on the version to be compiled:

      docker pull [Container Image Name]:[Tag]
      # example: docker pull

      Container image information list:

      Container Image NameTagFor Image BranchKernel VersionLibc Version -embedded/openeuler-containerlatestmaster21.032.31 -embedded/openeuler-container22.09openEuler-22.0921.032.31 -embedded/openeuler-container22.03-ltsopenEuler-22.03-LTS22.03 LTS2.34 -embedded/openeuler-container21.09openEuler-21.0921.032.31


      • Different containers are required for building openEuler images of different branches or versions. For example, the "For Image Branch" column indicates the mapping.
      • To be compatible with host-side tools and nativesdk of Yocto poky, the new container image uses the built-in libc 2.31 container. Therefore, the C library version is earlier than 22.03.

      Preparing the Container Build Environment

      1. Start a container.

      Run the docker run command to start the container. To ensure that the container can run in the background and access the Internet after being started, you are advised to run the following command to start the container:

      docker run -idt --network host bash

      Parameter description:

      • -i: keeps the standard input open.
      • -d: starts a container in daemon mode in the background.
      • -t: allocates a pseudo-tty and binds it to the standard input of the container.
      • --network: connects the container to the network of the host machine.
      • (image_name:image_version)
      • bash: method for accessing a container.

      2. Check the ID of the started container.

      docker ps

      3. Enter the container.

      docker exec -it <container_id> bash

      After the build environment is ready, you can build in the container.

      Version Build

      Downloading Source Code

      1. Obtain the source code download script.

        git clone -b <For Image Branch> -v /usr1/openeuler/src/yocto-meta-openeuler
        # example:git clone -b master -v /usr1/openeuler/src/yocto-meta-openeuler


        1. For details, see the third column in the container image information list.

        2. The source of the full code required for building is carried by the yocto-meta-openeuler repository. Therefore, if you need to build the code of the corresponding version ( such as openEuler-22.09 or openEuler-22.03-LTS ), download the yocto-meta-openeuler file of the corresponding branch.

        3. Different containers are required to build openEuler images of different branches or versions.

      2. Download the source code using the script.

        cd /usr1/openeuler/src/yocto-meta-openeuler/scripts
        sh /usr1/openeuler/src


        22.9, the master and later versions support /usr1/openeuler/src/yocto-meta-openeuler/scripts/, you can run source to download the code by referring to the usage description.

      Compiling the build

      • Compilation architecture: aarch64-std, aarch64-pro, arm-std or raspberrypi4-64
      • Build directory: /usr1/build
      • Source code directory: /usr1/openeuler/src
      • Path of the compiler: /usr1/openeuler/gcc/openeuler_gcc_arm64le


      • Use different compilers for different compilation architectures. aarch64-std, aarch64-pro, and raspberrypi4-64 use the openeuler_gcc_arm64le compiler, and arm-std uses the openeuler_gcc_arm32le compiler.
      • The following uses the aarch64-std architecture as an example.
      1. Change the owner group of the /usr1 directory to openeuler. Otherwise, permission issues may occur when switching to the openeuler user.
      chown -R openeuler:users /usr1
      1. Switch to the openeuler user.
      su openeuler
      1. Go to the path where the compilation script is stored and run the script.
      # Go to the directory where the compilation initialization scripts is stored.
      cd /usr1/openeuler/src/yocto-meta-openeuler/scripts
      # For versions earlier than 22.03, skip this command.(You must run this command in 22.09 and later versions.)
      # Initialize the container build dependency tool (poky nativesdk).
      . /opt/buildtools/nativesdk/environment-setup-x86_64-pokysdk-linux
      # Initialize the compilation environment using the compilation initialization script.
      source aarch64-std /usr1/build /usr1/openeuler/gcc/openeuler_gcc_arm64le
      bitbake openeuler-image


      22.9, the master and later versions support /usr1/openeuler/src/yocto-meta-openeuler/scripts/, you can run source to initialize the compilation environent by referring to the usage description.

      Build Result

      By default, the files are generated in the output directory of the build directory. For example, the built files of the aarch64-std example are generated in the /usr1/build/output directory, as shown in the following table:

      Image-*openEuler Embedded image
      openeuler-glibc-x86_64-openeuler-image-*-toolchain-**.shopenEuler Embedded SDK toolchain
      openeuler-image-qemu-aarch64-*.rootfs.cpio.gzopenEuler Embedded file system
      zImageopenEuler Embedded compressed image

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      ● Incorrect links, empty cells, or wrong formats;

      ● Chinese characters in English context;

      ● Minor inconsistencies between the UI and descriptions;

      ● Low writing fluency that does not affect understanding;

      ● Incorrect version numbers, including software package names and version numbers on the UI.


      ● Incorrect or missing key steps;

      ● Missing prerequisites or precautions;

      ● Ambiguous figures, tables, or texts;

      ● Unclear logic, such as missing classifications, items, and steps.


      ● Technical principles, function descriptions, or specifications inconsistent with those of the software;

      ● Incorrect schematic or architecture diagrams;

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