Innovation Version

      C APIs

      Macro Definition and Enumeration


      enum libstorage_ns_lba_size

      1. Prototype

        enum libstorage_ns_lba_size
        LIBSTORAGE_NVME_NS_LBA_SIZE_512 = 0x9,
      2. Description

        Sector (data) size of a drive.

      enum libstorage_ns_md_size

      1. Prototype

        enum libstorage_ns_md_size
      2. Description

        Metadata size of a drive.

      3. Remarks

        • ES3000 V3 (single-port) supports formatting of five sector types (512+0, 512+8, 4K+64, 4K, and 4K+8).

        • ES3000 V3 (dual-port) supports formatting of four sector types (512+0, 512+8, 4K+64, and 4K).

        • ES3000 V5 supports formatting of five sector types (512+0, 512+8, 4K+64, 4K, and 4K+8).

        • Optane drives support formatting of seven sector types (512+0, 512+8, 512+16,4K, 4K+8, 4K+64, and 4K+128).

      enum libstorage_ns_pi_type

      1. Prototype

        enum libstorage_ns_pi_type
      2. Description

        Protection type supported by drives.

      3. Remarks

        ES3000 supports only protection types 0 and 3. Optane drives support only protection types 0 and 1.

      enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk

      1. Prototype

        enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk
        #define NVME_NO_REF 0x4
      2. Description

        • LIBSTORAGE_APP_CRC_AND_DISABLE_PRCHK: Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is performed for the application layer, but not for HSAK. CRC is disabled for drives.

        • LIBSTORAGE_APP_CRC_AND_ENABLE_PRCHK: CRC is performed for the application layer, but not for HSAK. CRC is enabled for drives.

        • LIBSTORAGE_LIB_CRC_AND_DISABLE_PRCHK: CRC is performed for HSAK, but not for the application layer. CRC is disabled for drives.

        • LIBSTORAGE_LIB_CRC_AND_ENABLE_PRCHK: CRC is performed for HSAK, but not for the application layer. CRC is enabled for drives.

        • LIBSTORAGE_APP_CRC_AND_DISABLE_PRCHK_NO_REF: CRC is performed for the application layer, but not for HSAK. CRC is disabled for drives. REF tag verification is disabled for drives whose PI TYPE is 1 (Intel Optane P4800).

        • LIBSTORAGE_APP_CRC_AND_ENABLE_PRCHK_NO_REF: CRC is performed for the application layer, but not for HSAK. CRC is enabled for drives. REF tag verification is disabled for drives whose PI TYPE is 1 (Intel Optane P4800).

        • If PI TYPE of an Intel Optane P4800 drive is 1, the CRC and REF tag of the metadata area are verified by default.

        • Intel Optane P4800 drives support DIF in 512+8 format but does not support DIF in 4096+64 format.

        • For ES3000 V3 and ES3000 V5, PI TYPE of the drives is 3. By default, only the CRC of the metadata area is performed.

        • ES3000 V3 supports DIF in 512+8 format but does not support DIF in 4096+64 format. ES3000 V5 supports DIF in both 512+8 and 4096+64 formats.

        The summary is as follows:

        E2E Verification ModeCtrl FlagCRC GeneratorWrite ProcessRead Process
        Application VerificationCRC for HSAKCRC for DrivesApplication VerificationCRC for HSAKCRC for Drives
        Halfway protection0ControllerXXXXXX
        Full protection0AppXXXX

      enum libstorage_print_log_level

      1. Prototype

        enum libstorage_print_log_level
      2. Description

        Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK) log print levels: ERROR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG, corresponding to 0 to 4 in the configuration file.


      1. Prototype

        #define MAX_BDEV_NAME_LEN 24
      2. Description

        Maximum length of a block device name.


      1. Prototype

        #define MAX_CTRL_NAME_LEN 16
      2. Description

        Maximum length of a controller.


      1. Prototype

        #define LBA_FORMAT_NUM 16
      2. Description

        Number of LBA formats supported by a controller.


      1. Prototype

      2. Description

        Maximum number of 16-byte sets in the dataset management command.



      1. Prototype

      2. Description

        This macro is used to define that the subsystem corresponding to the uevent event is the userspace I/O subsystem (UIO) provided by the kernel. When the service receives the uevent event, this macro is used to determine whether the event is a UIO event that needs to be processed.

        The value of the int subsystem member in struct ublock_uevent is UBLOCK_NVME_UEVENT_SUBSYSTEM_UIO. Currently, only this value is available.


      1. Prototype

        #define UBLOCK_TRADDR_MAX_LEN 256
      2. Description

        The Domain:Bus:Device.Function (%04x:%02x:%02x.%x) format indicates the maximum length of the PCI address character string. The actual length is far less than 256 bytes.


      1. Prototype

        #define UBLOCK_PCI_ADDR_MAX_LEN 256
      2. Description

        Maximum length of the PCI address character string. The actual length is far less than 256 bytes. The possible formats of the PCI address are as follows:

        • Full address: %x:%x:%x.%x or %x.%x.%x.%x

        • When the Function value is 0: %x:%x:%x

        • When the Domain value is 0: %x:%x.%x or %x.%x.%x

        • When the Domain and Function values are 0: %x:%x or %x.%x


      1. Prototype

        #define UBLOCK_SMART_INFO_LEN 512
      2. Description

        Size of the structure for the S.M.A.R.T. information of an NVMe drive, which is 512 bytes.

      enum ublock_rpc_server_status

      1. Prototype

        enum ublock_rpc_server_status {
        // start rpc server or not
      2. Description

        Status of the RPC service in HSAK. The status can be enabled or disabled.

      enum ublock_nvme_uevent_action

      1. Prototype

        enum ublock_nvme_uevent_action {
      2. Description

        Indicates whether the uevent hot swap event is to insert or remove a drive.

      enum ublock_subsystem_type

      1. Prototype

        enum ublock_subsystem_type {
        SUBSYSTEM_UIO = 0,
        SUBSYSTEM_NVME = 1,
      2. Description

        Type of the callback function, which is used to determine whether the callback function is registered for the UIO driver or kernel NVMe driver.

      Data Structure


      struct libstorage_namespace_info

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_namespace_info
        char name[MAX_BDEV_NAME_LEN];
        uint64_t size; /** namespace size in bytes */
        uint64_t sectors; /** number of sectors */
        uint32_t sector_size; /** sector size in bytes */
        uint32_t md_size; /** metadata size in bytes */
        uint32_t max_io_xfer_size; /** maximum i/o size in bytes */
        uint16_t id; /** namespace id */
        uint8_t pi_type; /** end-to-end data protection information type */
        uint8_t is_active :1; /** namespace is active or not */
        uint8_t ext_lba :1; /** namespace support extending LBA size or not */
        uint8_t dsm :1; /** namespace supports Dataset Management or not */
        uint8_t pad :3;
        uint64_t reserved;
      2. Description

        This data structure contains the namespace information of a drive.

      3. Struct members

        char name[MAX_BDEV_NAME_LEN]Name of the namespace.
        uint64_t sizeSize of the drive space allocated to the namespace, in bytes.
        uint64_t sectorsNumber of sectors.
        uint32_t sector_sizeSize of each sector, in bytes.
        uint32_t md_sizeMetadata size, in bytes.
        uint32_t max_io_xfer_sizeMaximum size of data in a single I/O operation, in bytes.
        uint16_t idNamespace ID.
        uint8_t pi_typeData protection type. The value is obtained from enum libstorage_ns_pi_type.
        uint8_t is_active :1Namespace active or not.
        uint8_t ext_lba :1Whether the namespace supports logical block addressing (LBA) in extended mode.
        uint8_t dsm :1Whether the namespace supports dataset management.
        uint8_t pad :3Reserved parameter.
        uint64_t reservedReserved parameter.

      struct libstorage_nvme_ctrlr_info

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_nvme_ctrlr_info
        char name[MAX_CTRL_NAME_LEN];
        char address[24];
        uint32_t domain;
        uint8_t bus;
        uint8_t dev;
        uint8_t func;
        } pci_addr;
        uint64_t totalcap; /* Total NVM Capacity in bytes */
        uint64_t unusecap; /* Unallocated NVM Capacity in bytes */
        int8_t sn[20]; /* Serial number */
        uint8_t fr[8]; /* Firmware revision */
        uint32_t max_num_ns; /* Number of namespaces */
        uint32_t version;
        uint16_t num_io_queues; /* num of io queues */
        uint16_t io_queue_size; /* io queue size */
        uint16_t ctrlid; /* Controller id */
        uint16_t pad1;
        /** metadata size */
        uint32_t ms : 16;
        /** lba data size */
        uint32_t lbads : 8;
        uint32_t reserved : 8;
        } lbaf[LBA_FORMAT_NUM];
        uint8_t nlbaf;
        uint8_t pad2[3];
        uint32_t cur_format : 4;
        uint32_t cur_extended : 1;
        uint32_t cur_pi : 3;
        uint32_t cur_pil : 1;
        uint32_t cur_can_share : 1;
        uint32_t mc_extented : 1;
        uint32_t mc_pointer : 1;
        uint32_t pi_type1 : 1;
        uint32_t pi_type2 : 1;
        uint32_t pi_type3 : 1;
        uint32_t md_start : 1;
        uint32_t md_end : 1;
        uint32_t ns_manage : 1; /* Supports the Namespace Management and Namespace Attachment commands */
        uint32_t directives : 1; /* Controller support Directives or not */
        uint32_t streams : 1; /* Controller support Streams Directives or not */
        uint32_t dsm : 1; /* Controller support Dataset Management or not */
        uint32_t reserved : 11;
        } cap_info;
      2. Description

        This data structure contains the controller information of a drive.

      3. Struct members

        char name[MAX_CTRL_NAME_LEN]Controller name.
        char address[24]PCI address, which is a character string.
        uint32_t domain;
        uint8_t bus;
        uint8_t dev;
        uint8_t func;
        } pci_addr
        PCI address, in segments.
        uint64_t totalcapTotal capacity of the controller, in bytes. Optane drives are based on the NVMe 1.0 protocol and do not support this parameter.
        uint64_t unusecapFree capacity of the controller, in bytes. Optane drives are based on the NVMe 1.0 protocol and do not support this parameter.
        int8_t sn[20];Serial number of a drive, which is an ASCII character string without 0.
        uint8_t fr[8];Drive firmware version, which is an ASCII character string without 0.
        uint32_t max_num_nsMaximum number of namespaces.
        uint32_t versionNVMe protocol version supported by the controller.
        uint16_t num_io_queuesNumber of I/O queues supported by a drive.
        uint16_t io_queue_sizeMaximum length of an I/O queue.
        uint16_t ctrlidController ID.
        uint16_t pad1Reserved parameter.

        Members of the struct cap_info substructure:

        uint32_t ms : 16;
        uint32_t lbads : 8;
        uint32_t reserved : 8;
        ms: metadata size. The minimum value is 8 bytes.
        lbads: The LBA size is 2^lbads, and the value of lbads is greater than or equal to 9.
        uint8_t nlbafNumber of LBA formats supported by the controller.
        uint8_t pad2[3]Reserved parameter.
        uint32_t cur_format : 4Current LBA format of the controller.
        uint32_t cur_extended : 1Whether the controller supports LBA in extended mode.
        uint32_t cur_pi : 3Current protection type of the controller.
        uint32_t cur_pil : 1The current protection information (PI) of the controller is located in the first or last eight bytes of the metadata.
        uint32_t cur_can_share : 1Whether the namespace supports multi-path transmission.
        uint32_t mc_extented : 1Whether metadata is transmitted as part of the data buffer.
        uint32_t mc_pointer : 1Whether metadata is separated from the data buffer.
        uint32_t pi_type1 : 1Whether the controller supports protection type 1.
        uint32_t pi_type2 : 1Whether the controller supports protection type 2.
        uint32_t pi_type3 : 1Whether the controller supports protection type 3.
        uint32_t md_start : 1Whether the controller supports protection information in the first eight bytes of metadata.
        uint32_t md_end : 1Whether the controller supports protection information in the last eight bytes of metadata.
        uint32_t ns_manage : 1Whether the controller supports namespace management.
        uint32_t directives : 1Whether the Directives command set is supported.
        uint32_t streams : 1Whether Streams Directives is supported.
        uint32_t dsm : 1Whether Dataset Management commands are supported.
        uint32_t reserved : 11Reserved parameter.

      struct libstorage_dsm_range_desc

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_dsm_range_desc
        /* RESERVED */
        uint32_t reserved;
        uint32_t block_count;
        /* UNMAP LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS */uint64_t lba;};
      2. Description

        Definition of a single 16-byte set in the data management command set.

      3. Struct members

        uint32_t reservedReserved parameter.
        uint32_t block_countNumber of LBAs per unit.
        uint64_t lbaStart LBA.

      struct libstorage_ctrl_streams_param

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_ctrl_streams_param
        /* MAX Streams Limit */
        uint16_t msl;
        /* NVM Subsystem Streams Available */
        uint16_t nssa;
        /* NVM Subsystem Streams Open */uint16_t nsso;
        uint16_t pad;
      2. Description

        Streams attribute value supported by NVMe drives.

      3. Struct members

        uint16_t mslMaximum number of Streams resources supported by a drive.
        uint16_t nssaNumber of Streams resources that can be used by each NVM subsystem.
        uint16_t nssoNumber of Streams resources used by each NVM subsystem.
        uint16_t padReserved parameter.

      struct libstorage_bdev_streams_param

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_bdev_streams_param
        /* Stream Write Size */
        uint32_t sws;
        /* Stream Granularity Size */
        uint16_t sgs;
        /* Namespace Streams Allocated */
        uint16_t nsa;
        /* Namespace Streams Open */
        uint16_t nso;
        uint16_t reserved[3];
      2. Description

        Streams attribute value of the namespace.

      3. Struct members

        uint32_t swsWrite granularity with the optimal performance, in sectors.
        uint16_t sgsWrite granularity allocated to Streams, in sws.
        uint16_t nsaNumber of private Streams resources that can be used by a namespace.
        uint16_t nsoNumber of private Streams resources used by a namespace.
        uint16_t reserved[3]Reserved parameter.

      struct libstorage_mgr_info

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_mgr_info
        char pci[24];
        char ctrlName[MAX_CTRL_NAME_LEN];
        uint64_t sector_size;
        uint64_t cap_size;
        uint16_t device_id;
        uint16_t subsystem_device_id;
        uint16_t vendor_id;
        uint16_t subsystem_vendor_id;
        uint16_t controller_id;
        int8_t serial_number[20];
        int8_t model_number[40];
        uint8_t firmware_revision[8];
      2. Description

        Drive management information (consistent with the drive information used by the management plane).

      3. Struct members

        char pci[24]Character string of the drive PCI address.
        char ctrlName[MAX_CTRL_NAME_LEN]Character string of the drive controller name.
        uint64_t sector_sizeDrive sector size.
        uint64_t cap_sizeDrive capacity, in bytes.
        uint16_t device_idDrive device ID.
        uint16_t subsystem_device_idDrive subsystem device ID.
        uint16­t vendoridDrive vendor ID.
        uint16_t subsystem_vendor_idDrive subsystem vendor ID.
        uint16_t controller_idDrive controller ID.
        int8_t serial_number[20]Drive serial number.
        int8_t model_number[40]Device model.
        uint8_t firmware_revision[8]Firmware version.

      struct attribute((packed)) libstorage_smart_info

      1. Prototype

        /* same with struct spdk_nvme_health_information_page in nvme_spec.h */
        struct __attribute__((packed)) libstorage_smart_info {
        /* details of uint8_t critical_warning
        union spdk_nvme_critical_warning_state {
        uint8_t raw;
        struct {
        uint8_t available_spare : 1;
        uint8_t temperature : 1;
        uint8_t device_reliability : 1;
        uint8_t read_only : 1;
        uint8_t volatile_memory_backup : 1;
        uint8_t reserved : 3;
        } bits;
        uint8_t critical_warning;
        uint16_t temperature;
        uint8_t available_spare;
        uint8_t available_spare_threshold;
        uint8_t percentage_used;
        uint8_t reserved[26];
        Note that the following are 128-bit values, but are
        defined as an array of 2 64-bit values.
        /* Data Units Read is always in 512-byte units. */
        uint64_t data_units_read[2];
        /* Data Units Written is always in 512-byte units. */
        uint64_t data_units_written[2];
        /* For NVM command set, this includes Compare commands. */
        uint64_t host_read_commands[2];
        uint64_t host_write_commands[2];
        /* Controller Busy Time is reported in minutes. */
        uint64_t controller_busy_time[2];
        uint64_t power_cycles[2];
        uint64_t power_on_hours[2];
        uint64_t unsafe_shutdowns[2];
        uint64_t media_errors[2];
        uint64_t num_error_info_log_entries[2];
        /* Controller temperature related. */
        uint32_t warning_temp_time;
        uint32_t critical_temp_time;
        uint16_t temp_sensor[8];
        uint8_t reserved2[296];
      2. Description

        This data structure defines the S.M.A.R.T. information of a drive.

      3. Struct members

        MemberDescription (For details, see the NVMe protocol.)
        uint8_t critical_warningCritical alarm of the controller status. If a bit is set to 1, the bit is valid. You can set multiple bits to be valid. Critical alarms are returned to the host through asynchronous events.
        Bit 0: When this bit is set to 1, the redundant space is less than the specified threshold.
        Bit 1: When this bit is set to 1, the temperature is higher or lower than a major threshold.
        Bit 2: When this bit is set to 1, component reliability is reduced due to major media errors or internal errors.
        Bit 3: When this bit is set to 1, the medium has been set to the read-only mode.
        Bit 4: When this bit is set to 1, the volatile component of the controller fails. This parameter is valid only when the volatile component exists in the controller.
        Bits 5-7: reserved.
        uint16_t temperatureTemperature of a component. The unit is Kelvin.
        uint8_t available_sparePercentage of the available redundant space (0 to 100%).
        uint8_t available_spare_thresholdThreshold of the available redundant space. An asynchronous event is reported when the available redundant space is lower than the threshold.
        uint8_t percentage_usedPercentage of the actual service life of a component to the service life of the component expected by the manufacturer. The value 100 indicates that the actual service life of the component has reached to the expected service life, but the component can still be used. The value can be greater than 100, but any value greater than 254 will be set to 255.
        uint8_t reserved[26]Reserved.
        uint64_t data_units_read[2]Number of 512 bytes read by the host from the controller. The value 1 indicates that 1000 x 512 bytes are read, which exclude metadata. If the LBA size is not 512 bytes, the controller converts it into 512 bytes for calculation. The value is expressed in hexadecimal notation.
        uint64_t data_units_written[2]Number of 512 bytes written by the host to the controller. The value 1 indicates that 1000 x 512 bytes are written, which exclude metadata. If the LBA size is not 512 bytes, the controller converts it into 512 bytes for calculation. The value is expressed in hexadecimal notation.
        uint64_t host_read_commands[2]Number of read commands delivered to the controller.
        uint64_t host_write_commands[2];Number of write commands delivered to the controller.
        uint64_t controller_busy_time[2]Busy time for the controller to process I/O commands. The process from the time the commands are delivered to the time the results are returned to the CQ is busy. The time is expressed in minutes.
        uint64_t power_cycles[2]Number of machine on/off cycles.
        uint64_t power_on_hours[2]Power-on duration, in hours.
        uint64_t unsafe_shutdowns[2]Number of abnormal power-off times. The value is incremented by 1 when CC.SHN is not received during power-off.
        uint64_t media_errors[2]Number of times that the controller detects unrecoverable data integrity errors, including uncorrectable ECC errors, CRC errors, and LBA tag mismatch.
        uint64_t num_error_info_log_entries[2]Number of entries in the error information log within the controller lifecycle.
        uint32_t warning_temp_timeAccumulated time when the temperature exceeds the warning alarm threshold, in minutes.
        uint32_t critical_temp_timeAccumulated time when the temperature exceeds the critical alarm threshold, in minutes.
        uint16_t temp_sensor[8]Temperature of temperature sensors 1-8. The unit is Kelvin.
        uint8_t reserved2[296]Reserved.


      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_dpdk_contig_mem {
        uint64_t virtAddr;
        uint64_t memLen;
        uint64_t allocLen;
      2. Description

        Description about a contiguous virtual memory segment in the parameters of the callback function that notifies the service layer of initialization completion after the DPDK memory is initialized.

        Currently, 800 MB memory is reserved for HSAK. Other memory is returned to the service layer through allocLen in this struct for the service layer to allocate memory for self-management.

        The total memory to be reserved for HSAK is about 800 MB. The memory reserved for each memory segment is calculated based on the number of NUMA nodes in the environment. When there are too many NUMA nodes, the memory reserved on each memory segment is too small. As a result, HSAK initialization fails. Therefore, HSAK supports only the environment with a maximum of four NUMA nodes.

      3. Struct members

        uint64_t virtAddrStart address of the virtual memory.
        uint64_t memLenLength of the virtual memory, in bytes.
        uint64_t allocLenAvailable memory length in the memory segment, in bytes.

      struct libstorage_dpdk_init_notify_arg

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_dpdk_init_notify_arg {
        uint64_t baseAddr;
        uint16_t memsegCount;
        struct libstorage_dpdk_contig_mem *memseg;
      2. Description

        Callback function parameter used to notify the service layer of initialization completion after DPDK memory initialization, indicating information about all virtual memory segments.

      3. Struct members

        uint64_t baseAddrStart address of the virtual memory.
        uint16_t memsegCountNumber of valid memseg array members, that is, the number of contiguous virtual memory segments.
        struct libstorage_dpdk_contig_mem *memsegPointer to the memory segment array. Each array element is a contiguous virtual memory segment, and every two elements are discontiguous.

      struct libstorage_dpdk_init_notify

      1. Prototype

        struct libstorage_dpdk_init_notify {
        const char *name;
        void (*notifyFunc)(const struct libstorage_dpdk_init_notify_arg *arg);
        TAILQ_ENTRY(libstorage_dpdk_init_notify) tailq;
      2. Description

        Struct used to notify the service layer of the callback function registration after the DPDK memory is initialized.

      3. Struct members

        const char *nameName of the service-layer module of the registered callback function.
        void (notifyFunc)(const struct libstorage_dpdk_init_notify_argarg)Callback function parameter used to notify the service layer of initialization completion after the DPDK memory is initialized.
        TAILQ_ENTRY(libstorage_dpdk_init_notify) tailqLinked list that stores registered callback functions.


      struct ublock_bdev_info

      1. Prototype

        struct ublock_bdev_info {
        uint64_t sector_size;
        uint64_t cap_size; // cap_size
        uint16_t device_id;
        uint16_t subsystem_device_id; // subsystem device id of nvme control
        uint16_t vendor_id;
        uint16_t subsystem_vendor_id;
        uint16_t controller_id;
        int8_t serial_number[20];
        int8_t model_number[40];
        int8_t firmware_revision[8];
      2. Description

        This data structure contains the device information of a drive.

      3. Struct members

        uint64_t sector_sizeSector size of a drive, for example, 512 bytes.
        uint64_t cap_sizeTotal drive capacity, in bytes.
        uint16_t device_idDevice ID.
        uint16_t subsystem_device_idDevice ID of a subsystem.
        uint16_t vendor_idMain ID of the device vendor.
        uint16_t subsystem_vendor_idSub-ID of the device vendor.
        uint16_t controller_idID of the device controller.
        int8_t serial_number[20]Device serial number.
        int8_t model_number[40]Device model.
        int8_t firmware_revision[8]Firmware version.

      struct ublock_bdev

      1. Prototype

        struct ublock_bdev {
        char pci[UBLOCK_PCI_ADDR_MAX_LEN];
        struct ublock_bdev_info info;
        struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr *ctrlr;
        TAILQ_ENTRY(ublock_bdev) link;
      2. Description

        The data structure contains the drive information of the specified PCI address, and the structure itself is a node of the queue.

      3. Struct members

        char pci[UBLOCK_PCI_ADDR_MAX_LEN]PCI address.
        struct ublock_bdev_info infoDrive information.
        struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr *ctrlrData structure of the device controller. The members in this structure are not open to external systems. External services can obtain the corresponding member data through the SPDK open source interface.
        TAILQ_ENTRY(ublock_bdev) linkStructure of the pointers before and after a queue.

      struct ublock_bdev_mgr

      1. Prototype

        struct ublock_bdev_mgr {
        TAILQ_HEAD(, ublock_bdev) bdevs;
      2. Description

        This data structure defines the header structure of a ublock_bdev queue.

      3. Struct members

        TAILQ_HEAD(, ublock_bdev) bdevs;Queue header structure.

      struct attribute((packed)) ublock_SMART_info

      1. Prototype

        struct __attribute__((packed)) ublock_SMART_info {
        uint8_t critical_warning;
        uint16_t temperature;
        uint8_t available_spare;
        uint8_t available_spare_threshold;
        uint8_t percentage_used;
        uint8_t reserved[26];
        Note that the following are 128-bit values, but are
        defined as an array of 2 64-bit values.
        /* Data Units Read is always in 512-byte units. */
        uint64_t data_units_read[2];
        /* Data Units Written is always in 512-byte units. */
        uint64_t data_units_written[2];
        /* For NVM command set, this includes Compare commands. */
        uint64_t host_read_commands[2];
        uint64_t host_write_commands[2];
        /* Controller Busy Time is reported in minutes. */
        uint64_t controller_busy_time[2];
        uint64_t power_cycles[2];
        uint64_t power_on_hours[2];
        uint64_t unsafe_shutdowns[2];
        uint64_t media_errors[2];
        uint64_t num_error_info_log_entries[2];
        /* Controller temperature related. */
        uint32_t warning_temp_time;
        uint32_t critical_temp_time;
        uint16_t temp_sensor[8];
        uint8_t reserved2[296];
      2. Description

        This data structure defines the S.M.A.R.T. information of a drive.

      3. Struct members

        MemberDescription (For details, see the NVMe protocol.)
        uint8_t critical_warningCritical alarm of the controller status. If a bit is set to 1, the bit is valid. You can set multiple bits to be valid. Critical alarms are returned to the host through asynchronous events.
        Bit 0: When this bit is set to 1, the redundant space is less than the specified threshold.
        Bit 1: When this bit is set to 1, the temperature is higher or lower than a major threshold.
        Bit 2: When this bit is set to 1, component reliability is reduced due to major media errors or internal errors.
        Bit 3: When this bit is set to 1, the medium has been set to the read-only mode.
        Bit 4: When this bit is set to 1, the volatile component of the controller fails. This parameter is valid only when the volatile component exists in the controller.
        Bits 5-7: reserved.
        uint16_t temperatureTemperature of a component. The unit is Kelvin.
        uint8_t available_sparePercentage of the available redundant space (0 to 100%).
        uint8_t available_spare_thresholdThreshold of the available redundant space. An asynchronous event is reported when the available redundant space is lower than the threshold.
        uint8_t percentage_usedPercentage of the actual service life of a component to the service life of the component expected by the manufacturer. The value 100 indicates that the actual service life of the component has reached to the expected service life, but the component can still be used. The value can be greater than 100, but any value greater than 254 will be set to 255.
        uint8_t reserved[26]Reserved.
        uint64_t data_units_read[2]Number of 512 bytes read by the host from the controller. The value 1 indicates that 1000 x 512 bytes are read, which exclude metadata. If the LBA size is not 512 bytes, the controller converts it into 512 bytes for calculation. The value is expressed in hexadecimal notation.
        uint64_t data_units_written[2]Number of 512 bytes written by the host to the controller. The value 1 indicates that 1000 x 512 bytes are written, which exclude metadata. If the LBA size is not 512 bytes, the controller converts it into 512 bytes for calculation. The value is expressed in hexadecimal notation.
        uint64_t host_read_commands[2]Number of read commands delivered to the controller.
        uint64_t host_write_commands[2];Number of write commands delivered to the controller.
        uint64_t controller_busy_time[2]Busy time for the controller to process I/O commands. The process from the time the commands are delivered to the time the results are returned to the CQ is busy. The value is expressed in minutes.
        uint64_t power_cycles[2]Number of machine on/off cycles.
        uint64_t power_on_hours[2]Power-on duration, in hours.
        uint64_t unsafe_shutdowns[2]Number of abnormal power-off times. The value is incremented by 1 when CC.SHN is not received during power-off.
        uint64_t media_errors[2]Number of unrecoverable data integrity errors detected by the controller, including uncorrectable ECC errors, CRC errors, and LBA tag mismatch.
        uint64_t num_error_info_log_entries[2]Number of entries in the error information log within the controller lifecycle.
        uint32_t warning_temp_timeAccumulated time when the temperature exceeds the warning alarm threshold, in minutes.
        uint32_t critical_temp_timeAccumulated time when the temperature exceeds the critical alarm threshold, in minutes.
        uint16_t temp_sensor[8]Temperature of temperature sensors 1-8. The unit is Kelvin.
        uint8_t reserved2[296]Reserved.

      struct ublock_nvme_error_info

      1. Prototype

        struct ublock_nvme_error_info {
        uint64_t error_count;
        uint16_t sqid;
        uint16_t cid;
        uint16_t status;
        uint16_t error_location;
        uint64_t lba;
        uint32_t nsid;
        uint8_t vendor_specific;
        uint8_t reserved[35];
      2. Description

        This data structure contains the content of a single error message in the device controller. The number of errors supported by different controllers may vary.

      3. Struct members

        MemberDescription (For details, see the NVMe protocol.)
        uint64_t error_countError sequence number, which increases in ascending order.
        uint16_t sqidSubmission queue identifier for the command associated with an error message. If an error cannot be associated with a specific command, this parameter should be set to FFFFh.
        uint16_t cidCommand identifier associated with an error message. If an error cannot be associated with a specific command, this parameter should be set to FFFFh.
        uint16_t statusStatus of a completed command.
        uint16_t error_locationCommand parameter associated with an error message.
        uint64_t lbaFirst LBA when an error occurs.
        uint32_t nsidNamespace where an error occurs.
        uint8_t vendor_specificLog page identifier associated with the page if other vendor-specific error messages are available. The value 00h indicates that no additional information is available. The valid value ranges from 80h to FFh.
        uint8_t reserved[35]Reserved.

      struct ublock_uevent

      1. Prototype

        struct ublock_uevent {
        enum ublock_nvme_uevent_action action;
        int subsystem;
        char traddr[UBLOCK_TRADDR_MAX_LEN + 1];
      2. Description

        This data structure contains parameters related to the uevent event.

      3. Struct members

        enum ublock_nvme_uevent_action actionWhether the uevent event type is drive insertion or removal through enumeration.
        int subsystemSubsystem type of the uevent event. Currently, only UBLOCK_NVME_UEVENT_SUBSYSTEM_UIO is supported. If the application receives other values, no processing is required.
        char traddr[UBLOCK_TRADDR_MAX_LEN + 1]PCI address character string in the Domain:Bus:Device.Function (%04x:%02x:%02x.%x) format.

      struct ublock_hook

      1. Prototype

        struct ublock_hook
        ublock_callback_func ublock_callback;
        void *user_data;
      2. Description

        This data structure is used to register callback functions.

      3. Struct members

        ublock_callback_func ublock_callbackFunction executed during callback. The type is bool func(void info, voiduser_data).
        void *user_dataUser parameter transferred to the callback function.

      struct ublock_ctrl_iostat_info

      1. Prototype

        struct ublock_ctrl_iostat_info
        uint64_t num_read_ops;
        uint64_t num_write_ops;
        uint64_t read_latency_ms;
        uint64_t write_latency_ms;
        uint64_t io_outstanding;
        uint64_t num_poll_timeout;
        uint64_t io_ticks_ms;
      2. Description

        This data structure is used to obtain the I/O statistics of a controller.

      3. Struct members

        uint64_t num_read_opsAccumulated number of read I/Os of the controller.
        uint64_t num_write_opsAccumulated number of write I/Os of the controller.
        uint64_t read_latency_msAccumulated read latency of the controller, in ms.
        uint64_t write_latency_msAccumulated write latency of the controller, in ms.
        uint64_t io_outstandingQueue depth of the controller.
        uint64_t num_poll_timeoutAccumulated number of polling timeouts of the controller.
        uint64_t io_ticks_msAccumulated I/O processing latency of the controller, in ms.




      1. Prototype

        uint32_t libstorage_get_nvme_ctrlr_info(struct libstorage_nvme_ctrlr_info** ppCtrlrInfo);

      2. Description

        Obtains information about all controllers.

      3. Parameters

        struct libstorage_nvme_ctrlr_info** ppCtrlrInfoOutput parameter, which returns all obtained controller information.
        Free the memory using the free API in a timely manner.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Failed to obtain controller information or no controller information is obtained.
        > 0Number of obtained controllers.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_get_mgr_info_by_esn(const char *esn, struct libstorage_mgr_info *mgr_info);
      2. Description

        Obtains the management information about the NVMe drive corresponding to the ESN.

      3. Parameters

        const char *esnESN of the target device.
        An ESN is a string of a maximum of 20 characters (excluding the end character of the string), but the length may vary according to hardware vendors. For example, if the length is less than 20 characters, spaces are padded at the end of the character string.
        struct libstorage_mgr_info *mgr_infoOutput parameter, which returns all obtained NVMe drive management information.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Succeeded in querying the NVMe drive management information corresponding to an ESN.
        -1Failed to query the NVMe drive management information corresponding to an ESN.
        -2No NVMe drive matching an ESN is obtained.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_get_mgr_smart_by_esn(const char *esn, uint32_t nsid, struct libstorage_smart_info *mgr_smart_info);
      2. Description

        Obtains the S.M.A.R.T. information of the NVMe drive corresponding to an ESN.

      3. Parameters

        const char *esnESN of the target device.
        An ESN is a string of a maximum of 20 characters (excluding the end character of the string), but the length may vary according to hardware vendors. For example, if the length is less than 20 characters, spaces are padded at the end of the character string.
        uint32_t nsidSpecified namespace.
        struct libstorage_mgr_info *mgr_infoOutput parameter, which returns all obtained S.M.A.R.T. information of NVMe drives.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Succeeded in querying the S.M.A.R.T. information of the NVMe drive corresponding to an ESN.
        -1Failed to query the S.M.A.R.T. information of the NVMe drive corresponding to an ESN.
        -2No NVMe drive matching an ESN is obtained.


      1. Prototype

        uint32_t libstorage_get_bdev_ns_info(const char* bdevName, struct libstorage_namespace_info** ppNsInfo);
      2. Description

        Obtains namespace information based on the device name.

      3. Parameters

        const char* bdevNameDevice name.
        struct libstorage_namespace_info** ppNsInfoOutput parameter, which returns namespace information.
        Free the memory using the free API in a timely manner.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The operation failed.
        1The operation is successful.


      1. Prototype

        uint32_t libstorage_get_ctrl_ns_info(const char* ctrlName, struct libstorage_namespace_info** ppNsInfo);
      2. Description

        Obtains information about all namespaces based on the controller name.

      3. Parameters

        const char* ctrlNameController name.
        struct libstorage_namespace_info** ppNsInfoOutput parameter, which returns information about all namespaces.
        Free the memory using the free API in a timely manner.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Failed to obtain the namespace information or no namespace information is obtained.
        > 0Number of namespaces obtained.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_create_namespace(const char* ctrlName, uint64_t ns_size, char** outputName);
      2. Description

        Creates a namespace on a specified controller (the prerequisite is that the controller supports namespace management).

        Optane drives are based on the NVMe 1.0 protocol and do not support namespace management. Therefore, this API is not supported.

        ES3000 V3 and V5 support only one namespace by default. By default, a namespace exists on the controller. To create a namespace, delete the original namespace.

      3. Parameters

        const char* ctrlNameController name.
        uint64_t ns_sizeSize of the namespace to be created (unit: sector_size).
        char** outputNameOutput parameter, which indicates the name of the created namespace.
        Free the memory using the free API in a timely manner.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        ≤ 0Failed to create the namespace.
        > 0ID of the created namespace (starting from 1).


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_delete_namespace(const char* ctrlName, uint32_t ns_id);
      2. Description

        Deletes a namespace from a specified controller. Optane drives are based on the NVMe 1.0 protocol and do not support namespace management. Therefore, this API is not supported.

      3. Parameters

        const char* ctrlNameController name.
        uint32_t ns_idNamespace ID
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Deletion succeeded.
        Other valuesDeletion failed.
        Before deleting a namespace, stop I/O operations. Otherwise, the namespace fails to be deleted.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_delete_all_namespace(const char* ctrlName);
      2. Description

        Deletes all namespaces from a specified controller. Optane drives are based on the NVMe 1.0 protocol and do not support namespace management. Therefore, this API is not supported.

      3. Parameters

        const char* ctrlNameController name.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Deletion succeeded.
        Other valuesDeletion failed.
        Before deleting a namespace, stop I/O operations. Otherwise, the namespace fails to be deleted.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_nvme_create_ctrlr(const char *pci_addr, const char *ctrlr_name);
      2. Description

        Creates an NVMe controller based on the PCI address.

      3. Parameters

        char *pci_addrPCI address.
        char *ctrlr_nameController name.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        < 0Creation failed.
        0Creation succeeded.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_nvme_delete_ctrlr(const char *ctrlr_name);
      2. Description

        Destroys an NVMe controller based on the controller name.

      3. Parameters

        const char *ctrlr_nameController name.

        This API can be called only after all delivered I/Os are returned.

      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        < 0Destruction failed.
        0Destruction succeeded.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_nvme_reload_ctrlr(const char *cfgfile);
      2. Description

        Adds or deletes an NVMe controller based on the configuration file.

      3. Parameters

        const char *cfgfilePath of the configuration file.

        Before using this API to delete a drive, ensure that all delivered I/Os have been returned.

      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        < 0Failed to add or delete drives based on the configuration file. (Drives may be successfully added or deleted for some controllers.)
        0Drives are successfully added or deleted based on the configuration file.


        • Currently, a maximum of 36 controllers can be configured in the configuration file.

        • The reload API creates as many controllers as possible. If a controller fails to be created, the creation of other controllers is not affected.

        • In concurrency scenarios, the final drive initialization status may be inconsistent with the input configuration file.

        • If you delete a drive that is delivering I/Os by reloading the drive, I/Os fail.

        • After the controller name (for example, nvme0) corresponding to the PCI address in the configuration file is modified, the modification does not take effect after this interface is called.

        • The reload function is valid only when drives are added or deleted. Other configuration items in the configuration file cannot be reloaded.


      1. Prototype

        int8_t libstorage_low_level_format_nvm(const char* ctrlName, uint8_t lbaf,
        enum libstorage_ns_pi_type piType,
        bool pil_start, bool ms_extented, uint8_t ses);
      2. Description

        Low-level formats NVMe drives.

      3. Parameters

        const char* ctrlNameController name.
        uint8_t lbafLBA format to be used.
        enum libstorage_ns_pi_type piTypeProtection type to be used.
        bool pil_startThe protection information is stored in first eight bytes (1) or last eight bytes (0) of the metadata.
        bool ms_extentedWhether to format to the extended type.
        uint8_t sesWhether to perform secure erase during formatting. Currently, only the value 0 (no-secure erase) is supported.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        < 0Formatting failed.
        ≥ 0LBA format generated after successful formatting.


        • This low-level formatting API will clear the data and metadata of the drive namespace. Exercise caution when using this API.

        • It takes several seconds to format an ES3000 drive and several minutes to format an Intel Optane drive. Before using this API, wait until the formatting is complete. If the formatting process is forcibly stopped, the formatting fails.

        • Before formatting, stop the I/O operations on the data plane. If the drive is processing I/O requests, the formatting may fail occasionally. If the formatting is successful, the drive may discard the I/O requests that are being processed. Therefore, before formatting the drive, ensure that the I/O operations on the data plane are stopped.

        • During the formatting, the controller is reset. As a result, the initialized drive resources are unavailable. Therefore, after the formatting is complete, restart the I/O process on the data plane.

        • ES3000 V3 supports protection types 0 and 3, PI start and PI end, and mc extended. ES3000 V3 supports DIF in 512+8 format but does not support DIF in 4096+64 format.

        • ES3000 V5 supports protection types 0 and 3, PI start and PI end, mc extended, and mc pointer. ES3000 V5 supports DIF in both 512+8 and 4096+64 formats.

        • Optane drives support protection types 0 and 1, PI end, and mc extended. Optane drives support DIF in 512+8 format but does not support DIF in 4096+64 format.

        Drive TypeLBA FormatDrive TypeLBA Format
        Intel Optane P4800lbaf0:512+0
        ES3000 V3, V5lbaf0:512+0
        lbaf2:4096 +64


      1. Prototype

        typedef void (*LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC)(int32_t cb_status, int32_t sct_code, void* cb_arg);
      2. Description

        Registered HSAK I/O completion callback function.

      3. Parameters

        int32_t cb_statusI/O status code. The value 0 indicates success, a negative value indicates system error code, and a positive value indicates drive error code (for different error codes,
        see Appendixes).
        int32_t sct_codeI/O status code type:
        0: GENERIC
        void* cb_argInput parameter of the callback function.
      4. Return value



      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_deallocate_block(int32_t fd, struct libstorage_dsm_range_desc *range, uint16_t range_count, LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cb, void* cb_arg);
      2. Description

        Notifies NVMe drives of the blocks that can be released.

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdOpen drive file descriptor.
        struct libstorage_dsm_range_desc *rangeDescription of blocks that can be released on NVMe drives.
        This parameter requires libstorage_mem_reserve to allocate huge page memory. 4 KB alignment is required during memory allocation, that is, align is set to 4096.
        The TRIM range of drives is restricted based on different drives. Exceeding the maximum TRIM range on the drives may cause data exceptions.
        uint16_t range_countNumber of members in the array range.
        LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cbCallback function.
        void* cb_argCallback function parameter.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        < 0Failed to deliver the request.
        0Request submitted successfully.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_async_write(int32_t fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes, off64_t offset, void *md_buf, size_t md_len, enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flag, LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cb, void* cb_arg);
      2. Description

        Delivers asynchronous I/O write requests (the write buffer is a contiguous buffer).

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdFile descriptor of the block device.
        void *bufBuffer for I/O write data (four-byte aligned and cannot cross the 4 KB page boundary).
        The LBA in extended mode must contain the metadata memory size.
        size_t nbytesSize of a single write I/O, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        off64_t offsetWrite offset of the LBA, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        void *md_bufMetadata buffer. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to NULL for LBAs in extended mode.)
        size_t md_lenBuffer length of metadata. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to 0 for LBAs in extended mode.)
        enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flagWhether to calculate DIF and whether to enable drive verification.
        LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cbRegistered callback function.
        void* cb_argParameters of the callback function.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0I/O write requests are submitted successfully.
        Other valuesFailed to submit I/O write requests.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_async_read(int32_t fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes, off64_t offset, void *md_buf, size_t md_len, enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flag, LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cb, void* cb_arg);
      2. Description

        Delivers asynchronous I/O read requests (the read buffer is a contiguous buffer).

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdFile descriptor of the block device.
        void *bufBuffer for I/O read data (four-byte aligned and cannot cross the 4 KB page boundary).
        LBAs in extended mode must contain the metadata memory size.
        size_t nbytesSize of a single read I/O, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        off64_t offsetRead offset of the LBA, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. The LBA in extended mode does not include the metadata size.
        void *md_bufMetadata buffer. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to NULL for LBAs in extended mode.).
        size_t md_lenBuffer length of metadata. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to 0 for LBAs in extended mode.).
        enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flagWhether to calculate DIF and whether to enable drive verification.
        LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cbRegistered callback function.
        void* cb_argParameters of the callback function.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0I/O read requests are submitted successfully.
        Other valuesFailed to submit I/O read requests.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_async_writev(int32_t fd, struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t nbytes, off64_t offset, void *md_buf, size_t md_len, enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flag, LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC     cb, void* cb_arg);
      2. Description

        Delivers asynchronous I/O write requests (the write buffer is a discrete buffer).

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdFile descriptor of the block device.
        struct iovec *iovBuffer for I/O write data.
        LBAs in extended mode must contain the metadata size.
        The address must be 4-byte-aligned and the length cannot exceed 4 GB.
        int iovcntNumber of buffers for I/O write data.
        size_t nbytesSize of a single write I/O, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        off64_t offsetWrite offset of the LBA, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        void *md_bufMetadata buffer. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to NULL for LBAs in extended mode.)
        size_t md_lenLength of the metadata buffer. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to 0 for LBAs in extended mode.)
        enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flagWhether to calculate DIF and whether to enable drive verification.
        LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cbRegistered callback function.
        void* cb_argParameters of the callback function.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0I/O write requests are submitted successfully.
        Other valuesFailed to submit I/O write requests.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_async_readv(int32_t fd, struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t nbytes, off64_t offset, void *md_buf, size_t md_len, enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flag, LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC  cb, void* cb_arg);
      2. Description

        Delivers asynchronous I/O read requests (the read buffer is a discrete buffer).

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdFile descriptor of the block device.
        struct iovec *iovBuffer for I/O read data.
        LBAs in extended mode must contain the metadata size.
        The address must be 4-byte-aligned and the length cannot exceed 4 GB.
        int iovcntNumber of buffers for I/O read data.
        size_t nbytesSize of a single read I/O, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        off64_t offsetRead offset of the LBA, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        void *md_bufMetadata buffer. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to NULL for LBAs in extended mode.)
        size_t md_lenLength of the metadata buffer. (Applicable only to LBAs in separated mode. Set this parameter to 0 for LBAs in extended mode.)
        enum libstorage_crc_and_prchk dif_flagWhether to calculate DIF and whether to enable drive verification.
        LIBSTORAGE_CALLBACK_FUNC cbRegistered callback function.
        void* cb_argParameters of the callback function.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0I/O read requests are submitted successfully.
        Other valuesFailed to submit I/O read requests.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_sync_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t offset);
      2. Description

        Delivers synchronous I/O write requests (the write buffer is a contiguous buffer).

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdFile descriptor of the block device.
        void *bufBuffer for I/O write data (four-byte aligned and cannot cross the 4 KB page boundary).
        LBAs in extended mode must contain the metadata memory size.
        size_t nbytesSize of a single write I/O, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        off64_t offsetWrite offset of the LBA, in bytes. (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0I/O write requests are submitted successfully.
        Other valuesFailed to submit I/O write requests.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_sync_read(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t offset);
      2. Description

        Delivers synchronous I/O read requests (the read buffer is a contiguous buffer).

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdFile descriptor of the block device.
        void *bufBuffer for I/O read data (four-byte aligned and cannot cross the 4 KB page boundary).
        LBAs in extended mode must contain the metadata memory size.
        size_t nbytesSize of a single read I/O, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
        off64_t offsetRead offset of the LBA, in bytes (an integer multiple of sector_size).
        Only the data size is included. LBAs in extended mode do not include the metadata size.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0I/O read requests are submitted successfully.
        Other valuesFailed to submit I/O read requests.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_open(const char* devfullname);
      2. Description

        Opens a block device.

      3. Parameters

        const char* devfullnameBlock device name (format: nvme0n1).
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        -1Opening failed. For example, the device name is incorrect, or the number of opened FDs is greater than the number of available channels of the NVMe drive.
        > 0File descriptor of the block device.

        After the MultiQ function in is enabled, different FDs are returned if a thread opens the same device for multiple times. Otherwise, the same FD is returned. This attribute applies only to the NVMe device.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_close(int32_t fd);
      2. Description

        Closes a block device.

      3. Parameters

        int32_t fdFile descriptor of an opened block device.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        -1Invalid file descriptor.
        -16The file descriptor is busy. Retry is required.
        0Close succeeded.


      1. Prototype

        void* libstorage_mem_reserve(size_t size, size_t align);
      2. Description

        Allocates memory space from the huge page memory reserved by the DPDK.

      3. Parameters

        size_t sizeSize of the memory to be allocated.
        size_t alignAligns allocated memory space.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        NULLAllocation failed.
        Other valuesAddress of the allocated memory space.


      1. Prototype

        void libstorage_mem_free(void* ptr);
      2. Description

        Frees the memory space pointed to by ptr.

      3. Parameters

        void* ptrAddress of the memory space to be freed.
      4. Return value



      1. Prototype

        void* libstorage_alloc_io_buf(size_t nbytes);
      2. Description

        Allocates memory from buf_small_pool or buf_large_pool of the SPDK.

      3. Parameters

        size_t nbytesSize of the buffer to be allocated.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        Other valuesStart address of the allocated buffer.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_free_io_buf(void *buf, size_t nbytes);
      2. Description

        Frees the allocated memory to buf_small_pool or buf_large_pool of the SPDK.

      3. Parameters

        void *bufStart address of the buffer to be freed.
        size_t nbytesSize of the buffer to be freed.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        -1Freeing failed.
        0Freeing succeeded.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_init_module(const char* cfgfile);
      2. Description

        Initializes the HSAK module.

      3. Parameters

        const char* cfgfileName of the HSAK configuration file.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        Other valuesInitialization failed.
        0Initialization succeeded.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t libstorage_exit_module(void);
      2. Description

        Exits the HSAK module.

      3. Parameters


      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        Other valuesFailed to exit the cleanup.
        0Succeeded in exiting the cleanup.


      1. Prototype

      2. Description

        Service layer registration function, which is used to register the callback function when the DPDK initialization is complete.

      3. Parameters

        _nameName of a module at the service layer.
        _notifyPrototype of the callback function registered at the service layer: **void (notifyFunc)(const struct libstorage_dpdk_init_notify_arg arg);
      4. Return value




      1. Prototype

        int init_ublock(const char *name, enum ublock_rpc_server_status flg);
      2. Description

        Initializes the Ublock module. This API must be called before other Ublock APIs. If the flag is set to UBLOCK_RPC_SERVER_ENABLE, that is, Ublock functions as the RPC server, the same process can be initialized only once.

        When Ublock is started as the RPC server, the monitor thread of a server is started at the same time. When the monitor thread detects that the RPC server thread is abnormal (for example, thread suspended), the monitor thread calls the exit function to trigger the process to exit.

        In this case, the product script is used to start the process again.

      3. Parameters

        const char *nameModule name. The default value is ublock. You are advised to set this parameter to NULL.
        enum ublock_rpc_server_status
        Whether to enable RPC. The value can be UBLOCK_RPC_SERVER_DISABLE or UBLOCK_RPC_SERVER_ENABLE.
        If RPC is disabled and the drive is occupied by service processes, the Ublock module cannot obtain the drive information.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Initialization succeeded.
        -1Initialization failed. Possible cause: The Ublock module has been initialized.
        Process exitsUblock considers that the following exceptions cannot be rectified and directly calls the exit API to exit the process:
        - The RPC service needs to be created, but it fails to be created onsite.
        - Failed to create a hot swap monitoring thread.


      1. Prototype

        #define ublock_init(name) init_ublock(name, UBLOCK_RPC_SERVER_ENABLE)
      2. Description

        It is the macro definition of the init_ublock API. It can be regarded as initializing Ublock into the required RPC service.

      3. Parameters

        nameModule name. The default value is ublock. You are advised to set this parameter to NULL.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Initialization succeeded.
        -1Initialization failed. Possible cause: The Ublock RPC server module has been initialized.
        Process exitsUblock considers that the following exceptions cannot be rectified and directly calls the exit API to exit the process:
        - The RPC service needs to be created, but it fails to be created onsite.
        - Failed to create a hot swap monitoring thread.


      1. Prototype

        #define ublock_init_norpc(name) init_ublock(name, UBLOCK_RPC_SERVER_DISABLE)
      2. Description

        It is the macro definition of the init_ublock API and can be considered as initializing Ublock into a non-RPC service.

      3. Parameters

        nameModule name. The default value is ublock. You are advised to set this parameter to NULL.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Initialization succeeded.
        -1Initialization failed. Possible cause: The Ublock client module has been initialized.
        Process exitsUblock considers that the following exceptions cannot be rectified and directly calls the exit API to exit the process:
        - The RPC service needs to be created, but it fails to be created onsite.
        - Failed to create a hot swap monitoring thread.


      1. Prototype

        void ublock_fini(void);
      2. Description

        Destroys the Ublock module and internally created resources. This API must be used together with the Ublock initialization API.

      3. Parameters


      4. Return value



      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_bdevs(struct ublock_bdev_mgr* bdev_list);
      2. Description

        Obtains the device list (all NVMe devices in the environment, including kernel-mode and user-mode drivers). The obtained NVMe device list contains only PCI addresses and does not contain specific device information. To obtain specific device information, call ublock_get_bdev.

      3. Parameters

        struct ublock_bdev_mgr* bdev_listOutput parameter, which returns the device queue. The bdev_list pointer must be allocated externally.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The device queue is obtained successfully.
        -2No NVMe device exists in the environment.
        Other valuesFailed to obtain the device list.


      1. Prototype

        void ublock_free_bdevs(struct ublock_bdev_mgr* bdev_list);
      2. Description

        Releases a device list.

      3. Parameters

        struct ublock_bdev_mgr* bdev_listHead pointer of the device queue. After the device queue is cleared, the bdev_list pointer is not released.
      4. Return value



      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_bdev(const char *pci, struct ublock_bdev *bdev);
      2. Description

        Obtains information about a specific device. In the device information, the serial number, model, and firmware version of the NVMe device are saved as character arrays instead of character strings. (The return format varies depending on the drive controller, and the arrays may not end with 0.)

        After this API is called, the corresponding device is occupied by Ublock. Therefore, call ublock_free_bdev to free resources immediately after the required service operation is complete.

      3. Parameters

        const char *pciPCI address of the device whose information needs to be obtained.
        struct ublock_bdev *bdevOutput parameter, which returns the device information. The bdev pointer must be allocated externally.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The device information is obtained successfully.
        -1Failed to obtain device information due to incorrect parameters.
        -11(EAGAIN)Failed to obtain device information due to the RPC query failure. A retry is required (3s sleep is recommended).


      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_bdev_by_esn(const char *esn, struct ublock_bdev *bdev);
      2. Description

        Obtains information about the device corresponding to an ESN. In the device information, the serial number, model, and firmware version of the NVMe device are saved as character arrays instead of character strings. (The return format varies depending on the drive controller, and the arrays may not end with 0.)

        After this API is called, the corresponding device is occupied by Ublock. Therefore, call ublock_free_bdev to free resources immediately after the required service operation is complete.

      3. Parameters

        const char *esnESN of the device whose information is to be obtained.
        An ESN is a string of a maximum of 20 characters (excluding the end character of the string), but the length may vary according to hardware vendors. For example, if the length is less than 20 characters, spaces are padded at the end of the character string.
        struct ublock_bdev *bdevOutput parameter, which returns the device information. The bdev pointer must be allocated externally.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The device information is obtained successfully.
        -1Failed to obtain device information due to incorrect parameters.
        -11(EAGAIN)Failed to obtain device information due to the RPC query failure. A retry is required (3s sleep is recommended).


      1. Prototype

        void ublock_free_bdev(struct ublock_bdev *bdev);
      2. Description

        Frees device resources.

      3. Parameters

        struct ublock_bdev *bdevPointer to the device information. After the data in the pointer is cleared, the bdev pointer is not freed.
      4. Return value



      1. Prototype

        #define TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar) 
        for ((var) = TAILQ_FIRST((head)); 
        (var) && ((tvar) = TAILQ_NEXT((var), field), 1); 
        (var) = (tvar))
      2. Description

        Provides a macro definition for each member of the secure access queue.

      3. Parameters

        varQueue node member on which you are performing operations.
        headQueue head pointer. Generally, it refers to the object address defined by TAILQ_HEAD(xx, xx) obj.
        fieldName of the struct used to store the pointers before and after the queue in the queue node. Generally, it is the name defined by TAILQ_ENTRY (xx) name.
        tvarNext queue node member.
      4. Return value



      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_SMART_info(const char *pci, uint32_t nsid, struct ublock_SMART_info *smart_info);
      2. Description

        Obtains the S.M.A.R.T. information of a specified device.

      3. Parameters

        const char *pciDevice PCI address.
        uint32_t nsidSpecified namespace.
        struct ublock_SMART_info *smart_infoOutput parameter, which returns the S.M.A.R.T. information of the device.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The S.M.A.R.T. information is obtained successfully.
        -1Failed to obtain S.M.A.R.T. information due to incorrect parameters.
        -11(EAGAIN)Failed to obtain S.M.A.R.T. information due to the RPC query failure. A retry is required (3s sleep is recommended).


      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_SMART_info_by_esn(const char *esn, uint32_t nsid, struct ublock_SMART_info *smart_info);
      2. Description

        Obtains the S.M.A.R.T. information of the device corresponding to an ESN.

      3. Parameters

        const char *esnDevice ESN.
        An ESN is a string of a maximum of 20 characters (excluding the end character of the string), but the length may vary according to hardware vendors. For example, if the length is less than 20 characters, spaces are padded at the end of the character string.
        uint32_t nsidSpecified namespace.
        struct ublock_SMART_info
        Output parameter, which returns the S.M.A.R.T. information of the device.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The S.M.A.R.T. information is obtained successfully.
        -1Failed to obtain SMART information due to incorrect parameters.
        -11(EAGAIN)Failed to obtain S.M.A.R.T. information due to the RPC query failure. A retry is required (3s sleep is recommended).


      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_error_log_info(const char *pci, uint32_t err_entries, struct ublock_nvme_error_info *errlog_info);
      2. Description

        Obtains the error log information of a specified device.

      3. Parameters

        const char *pciDevice PCI address.
        uint32_t err_entriesNumber of error logs to be obtained. A maximum of 256 error logs can be obtained.
        struct ublock_nvme_error_info *errlog_infoOutput parameter, which returns the error log information of the device. For the errlog_info pointer, the caller needs to apply for space and ensure that the obtained space is greater than or equal to err_entries x size of (struct ublock_nvme_error_info).
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        Number of obtained error logs. The value is greater than or equal to 0.Error logs are obtained successfully.
        -1Failed to obtain error logs due to incorrect parameters.
        -11(EAGAIN)Failed to obtain error logs due to the RPC query failure. A retry is required (3s sleep is recommended).


      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_log_page(const char *pci, uint8_t log_page, uint32_t nsid, void *payload, uint32_t payload_size);
      2. Description

        Obtains information about a specified device and log page.

      3. Parameters

        const char *pciDevice PCI address.
        uint8_t log_pageID of the log page to be obtained. For example, 0xC0 and 0xCA indicate the customized S.M.A.R.T. information of ES3000 V5 drives.
        uint32_t nsidNamespace ID. Some log pages support obtaining by namespace while some do not. If obtaining by namespace is not supported, the caller must transfer 0XFFFFFFFF.
        void *payloadOutput parameter, which stores log page information. The caller is responsible for allocating memory.
        uint32_t payload_sizeSize of the applied payload, which cannot be greater than 4096 bytes.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The log page is obtained successfully.
        -1Failed to obtain error logs due to parameter errors.


      1. Prototype

        char *ublock_info_get_pci_addr(const void *info);
      2. Description

        Obtains the PCI address of the hot swap device.

        The memory occupied by info and the memory occupied by the returned PCI address do not need to be freed by the service process.

      3. Parameters

        const void *infoHot swap event information transferred by the hot swap monitoring thread to the callback function.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        NULLFailed to obtain the information.
        Other valuesObtained PCI address.


      1. Prototype

        enum ublock_nvme_uevent_action ublock_info_get_action(const void *info);
      2. Description

        Obtains the type of the hot swap event.

        The memory occupied by info does not need to be freed by service process.

      3. Parameters

        const void *infoHot swap event information transferred by the hot swap monitoring thread to the callback function.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        Type of the hot swap eventType of the event that triggers the callback function. For details, see the definition in enum ublock_nvme_uevent_action.


      1. Prototype

        int ublock_get_ctrl_iostat(const char* pci, struct ublock_ctrl_iostat_info *ctrl_iostat);
      2. Description

        Obtains the I/O statistics of a controller.

      3. Parameters

        const char* pciPCI address of the controller whose I/O statistics are to be obtained.
        struct ublock_ctrl_iostat_info *ctrl_iostatOutput parameter, which returns I/O statistics. The ctrl_iostat pointer must be allocated externally.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0Succeeded in obtaining I/O statistics.
        -1Failed to obtain I/O statistics due to invalid parameters or RPC errors.
        -2Failed to obtain I/O statistics because the NVMe drive is not taken over by the I/O process.
        -3Failed to obtain I/O statistics because the I/O statistics function is disabled.


      1. Prototype

        int32_t ublock_nvme_admin_passthru(const char *pci, void *cmd, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
      2. Description

        Transparently transmits the nvme admin command to the NVMe device. Currently, only the nvme admin command for obtaining the identify parameter is supported.

      3. Parameters

        const char *pciPCI address of the destination controller of the nvme admin command.
        void *cmdPointer to the nvme admin command struct. The struct size is 64 bytes. For details, see the NVMe specifications. Currently, only the command for obtaining the identify parameter is supported.
        void *bufSaves the output of the nvme admin command. The space is allocated by users and the size is expressed in nbytes.
        size_t nbytesSize of the user buffer. The buffer for the identify parameter is 4096 bytes, and that for the command to obtain the identify parameter is 4096 nbytes.
      4. Return value

        Return ValueDescription
        0The user command is executed successfully.
        -1Failed to execute the user command.



      Generic Error Code Reference



      Error Code Reference for Specific Commands



      Error Code Reference for Medium Exceptions


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