Innovation Version

      Algorithm Library

      OpenSSL Interface

      OpenSSL is a common cryptographic algorithm library that supports SM2, SM3, and SM4. You can invoke the encryption and decryption functions of SM cryptographic algorithms through command lines or APIs.


      OpenSSL 1.1.1m-6 or later. You can run the following command to query the OpenSSL version:

      $ rpm -qa openssl

      How to Use

      Scenario 1: Using Command Lines to Call Cryptographic Algorithms

      Note: Replace data in the following commands with the name of the file to be encyrpted.

      1. SM2 public key algorithm

        Generate an SM2 private key.

        openssl ecparam -genkey -name SM2 -out priv.key

        Generate a public key based on the private key.

        $ openssl ec -in priv.key -pubout -out pub.key
        read EC key
        writing EC key

        Use SM2 to sign the file and set the data digest algorithm to SM3.

        openssl dgst -sm3 -sign priv.key -out data.sig data

        Use the public key to verify the signature.

        $ openssl dgst -sm3 -verify pub.key -signature data.sig data
        Verified OK
      2. SM3 data digest algorithm

        Use SM3 for data digest.

        $ openssl dgst -sm3 data
        SM3(data)= a794922bb9f0a034257f6c7090a3e8429801a42d422c21f1473e83b7f7eac385
      3. SM4 symmetric key algorithm

        Use SM4 to encrypt data. -K and -iv specify the key value and initialization vector (IV) value used for encryption, respectively. Generally, the key value and IV value are randomly generated.

        openssl enc -sm4 -in data -K 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 -iv 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 -out data.enc

        Use SM4 to decrypt data.

        openssl enc -d -sm4 -in data.enc -K 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 -iv 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 -out data.raw

        Compare the encrypted and decrypted data. The results are consistent.

        diff data data.raw 

      Scenario 2: Using APIs to Call Cryptographic Algorithms

      Install openssl-help and run the man command to query the algorithms.

      yum install openssl-help
      man sm2
      man EVP_sm3
      man EVP_sm4_cbc

      Kernel Cryptographic API


      Crypto API is a cryptography framework in the Linux kernel, which allows various algorithm implementations to be registered and invoked. Kernel 5.10 provided by openEuler supports SM2, SM3, and SM4, among which SM2 and SM3 are built in the kernel by default and SM4 is provided as a kernel module.


      Kernel 5.10.0-106 or later. You can run the following command to query the kernel version:

      $ rpm -qa kernel

      How to Use

      Scenario 1: Querying the Cryptographic Algorithms Supported by the Kernel

      /proc/crypto lists the registered SM cryptographic algorithms. By default, SM2 and SM3 are loaded.

      $ cat /proc/crypto | grep sm3 -A8
      name         : sm3
      driver       : sm3-generic
      module       : kernel
      priority     : 100
      refcnt       : 1
      selftest     : passed
      internal     : no
      type         : shash
      blocksize    : 64
      digestsize   : 32
      $ cat /proc/crypto | grep sm2 -A6
      name         : sm2
      driver       : sm2-generic
      module       : kernel
      priority     : 100
      refcnt       : 1
      selftest     : passed
      internal     : no
      type         : akcipher

      By default, SM4 is not loaded. You need to insert the corresponding module first.

      $ modprobe sm4-generic
      $ cat /proc/crypto | grep sm4 -A8
      name         : sm4
      driver       : sm4-generic
      module       : sm4_generic
      priority     : 100
      refcnt       : 1
      selftest     : passed
      internal     : no
      type         : cipher
      blocksize    : 16
      min keysize  : 16
      max keysize  : 16

      Scenario 2: Calling Algorithm APIs

      The method of calling SM cryptographic algorithms is the same as that of calling other algorithms of the same type. For details, see the Linux kernel document.

      Scenario 3: Optimizing Algorithm Performance Through Instruction Sets

      The crypto framework allows registration of architecture-specific algorithm implementations to optimize algorithm performance through corresponding instruction sets. Currently, the kernel 5.10 of openEuler supports algorithm performance optimization using the following instruction sets.

      DriverInstruction SetPriority
      sm4-neon (ecb/cbc/cfb/ctr)ARM64-NEON200
      sm4-aesni-avx (ecb/cbc/cfb/ctr)x86-AVX400
      sm4-aesni-avx 2 (ecb/cbc/cfb/ctr)x86-AVX2500

      When multiple instances of the same algorithm are registered, the default algorithm implementation is selected based on the registered priority of each algorithm instance. A larger priority value indicates a higher priority. The priority of a pure software implementation (suffixed by -generic) is fixed to 100. By default, the performance optimization through instruction sets is disabled for the SM cryptographic algorithms and is provided for users in the form of kernel modules. For example, to enable the AVX instruction set optimization for SM3, do as follows:

      $ modprobe sm3-avx
      $ cat /proc/crypto | grep sm3 -A8
      name         : sm3
      driver       : sm3-avx
      module       : sm3_avx_x86_64
      priority     : 300
      refcnt       : 1
      selftest     : passed
      internal     : no
      type         : shash
      blocksize    : 64
      digestsize   : 32


      1. The prerequisite for enabling instruction set optimization for algorithms is that the CPU supports the corresponding instruction set. You can query the instruction set supported by the CPU by viewing /proc/cpuinfo.
      2. Using an instruction set has certain overhead. Therefore, it cannot be ensured that the performance optimized by the instruction set is higher than that of software implementation in all scenarios.
      3. Some instruction sets have certain restrictions in optimization. For example, the NEON instruction set can only speed up cryptography that supports parallel computing.

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