Long-Term Supported Versions

    Innovation Versions

      Preparing VMs

      This document describes how to use virt manager to install a VM. Ignore if your VM is prepared.

      Installing Dependency Tools

      VM installation depends on related tools. The following command is an example for installing the dependency and enabling the libvirtd service. (If a proxy is required, configure the proxy first.)

      dnf install virt-install virt-manager libvirt-daemon-qemu edk2-aarch64.noarch virt-viewer
      systemctl start libvirtd
      systemctl enable libvirtd

      Preparing VM Disk Files

      dnf install -y qemu-img
      virsh pool-define-as vmPool --type dir --target /mnt/vm/images/
      virsh pool-build vmPool
      virsh pool-start vmPool
      virsh pool-autostart  vmPool
      virsh vol-create-as --pool vmPool --name master0.img --capacity 200G --allocation 1G --format qcow2
      virsh vol-create-as --pool vmPool --name master1.img --capacity 200G --allocation 1G --format qcow2
      virsh vol-create-as --pool vmPool --name master2.img --capacity 200G --allocation 1G --format qcow2
      virsh vol-create-as --pool vmPool --name node1.img --capacity 300G --allocation 1G --format qcow2
      virsh vol-create-as --pool vmPool --name node2.img --capacity 300G --allocation 1G --format qcow2
      virsh vol-create-as --pool vmPool --name node3.img --capacity 300G --allocation 1G --format qcow2

      Enabling Firewall Ports

      Method 1

      1. Query a port.

        netstat -lntup | grep qemu-kvm
      2. Enable the VNC firewall port. For example, if the port number starts from 5900, run the following commands:

        firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5900/tcp
        firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5901/tcp
        firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5902/tcp
        firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5903/tcp
        firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5904/tcp
        firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5905/tcp

      Method 2

      Disable the firewall.

      systemctl stop firewalld

      Preparing the VM Configuration File

      A VM configuration file is required for creating a VM. For example, if the configuration file is master.xml and the host name of the VM is k8smaster0, the configuration is as follows:

       cat master.xml
      <domain type='kvm'>
          <memory unit='GiB'>8</memory>
       <type arch='aarch64' machine='virt'>hvm</type>
       <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw</loader>
       <gic version='3'/>
          <cpu mode='host-passthrough'>
              <topology sockets='2' cores='4' threads='1'/>
          <clock offset='utc'/>
       <disk type='file' device='disk'>
           <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' iothread="1"/>
           <source file='/mnt/vm/images/master0.img'/>
           <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
           <boot order='1'/>
       <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
           <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
           <source file='/mnt/openEuler-21.09-everything-aarch64-dvd.iso'/>
           <target dev='sdb' bus='scsi'/>
           <boot order='2'/>
              <interface type='network'>
                 <mac address='52:54:00:00:00:80'/>
                 <source network='default'/>
                 <model type='virtio'/>
       <console type='pty'/>
                 <model type='virtio'/>
              <controller type='scsi' index='0' model='virtio-scsi'/>
       <controller type='usb' model='ehci'/>
       <input type='tablet' bus='usb'/>
       <input type='keyboard' bus='usb'/>
       <graphics type='vnc' listen=''/>
          <seclabel type='dynamic' model='dac' relabel='yes'/>

      The VM configuration must be unique. Therefore, you need to modify the following to ensure that the VM is unique:

      • name: host name of the VM. You are advised to use lowercase letters. In this example, the value is k8smaster0.
      • nvram: handle file path of the NVRAM, which must be globally unique. In this example, the value is /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/k8smaster0.fd.
      • disk source file: VM disk file path. In this example, the value is /mnt/vm/images/master0.img.
      • mac address of the interface: MAC address of the interface. In this example, the value is 52:54:00:00:00:80.

      Installing a VM

      1. Create and start a VM.

        virsh define master.xml
        virsh start k8smaster0
      2. Obtain the VNC port number of the VM.

        virsh vncdisplay k8smaster0
      3. Use a VM connection tool, such as VNC Viewer, to remotely connect to the VM and perform configurations as prompted.

      4. Set the host name of the VM, for example, k8smaster0.

        hostnamectl set-hostname k8smaster0

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